Baaaaaaaaaaaaaad weekend
Succesfully began hibernating this weekend, hurrah! Unfortunately it meant missing my sister's engagement party. What a shame
As a result both my mum and my sister are now both giving me the silent treatment, after initially applying the dreaded "dissapointment" treatment, which is twenty times worse than being mad at you....
"No, it's fine, no, just do what you want, I honestly don't care, no, whatever, I guess I'll see youu sometime if I can still remember what you look like, fine, bye"
Oh dear, now I just feel wretched with a side portion of guilt.
I just couldn't face getting another bus to Glasgow (would have meant spending 4 hours on a bus on Sat) to spend an evening with people I don't know and don't like asking why I don't have a boyfreind and are my tattoo's real, did that hurt, blah blah it my fault that I just wanted to go home and chainsmoke while watching CSI from underneath my duvet?
Also have started getting recurring nightmares involving waterskiing, horse drawn carriages and people who made my life hell in high school, not good.
To add to the scuzziness I had to listen to both my flatmates having sex all weekend. Bleh!
The silver lining of this cloud comes in the form of my new Mighty Boosh DVD!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Happy Nicey Nicey!I'll take you out to dinner with Mr and Mrs Pain and order up some violent quiche!topshoptopshoptopshop!cheese is a kind of meat!and that's why I don't like cricket. Happiness is Boosh shaped, hurrah!
p.s. Big up to Hey McFly. Peacex
p.p.s. get my new tattoo on Wednesday at 119, yay!

Succesfully began hibernating this weekend, hurrah! Unfortunately it meant missing my sister's engagement party. What a shame

As a result both my mum and my sister are now both giving me the silent treatment, after initially applying the dreaded "dissapointment" treatment, which is twenty times worse than being mad at you....
"No, it's fine, no, just do what you want, I honestly don't care, no, whatever, I guess I'll see youu sometime if I can still remember what you look like, fine, bye"

Oh dear, now I just feel wretched with a side portion of guilt.
I just couldn't face getting another bus to Glasgow (would have meant spending 4 hours on a bus on Sat) to spend an evening with people I don't know and don't like asking why I don't have a boyfreind and are my tattoo's real, did that hurt, blah blah it my fault that I just wanted to go home and chainsmoke while watching CSI from underneath my duvet?

Also have started getting recurring nightmares involving waterskiing, horse drawn carriages and people who made my life hell in high school, not good.
To add to the scuzziness I had to listen to both my flatmates having sex all weekend. Bleh!
The silver lining of this cloud comes in the form of my new Mighty Boosh DVD!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Happy Nicey Nicey!I'll take you out to dinner with Mr and Mrs Pain and order up some violent quiche!topshoptopshoptopshop!cheese is a kind of meat!and that's why I don't like cricket. Happiness is Boosh shaped, hurrah!
p.s. Big up to Hey McFly. Peacex

p.p.s. get my new tattoo on Wednesday at 119, yay!
"my only friends the wind... 'i hate you' "