After being tagged by Zooxanthelle (trying saying that with a lisp
) Here are 20 random facts about the Jenster
1. I got so drunk on my 17th birthday, I fell, broke my tailbone (I can't spell coccyxxx) and woke up upside down on the bathroom floor. I couldn't walk for 10 days
2. I give the best back and feet rubs in the world
3. I am a big scaredy cat and get thoroughly freaked out by: spiders; hoovers; motorbikes; fake nails; footballs; farmyard birds and feet. I am not allowed to watch Buffy if I am in my flat by myself, as I get hysterical and have to leave all the lights on all night
4. I am the most unhealthy person I know. I live on a diet almost entirely made up of: coco pops; ham sandwiches; chocolate; options and nicotine.
5. The longest relationship I' ve ever had was in primary school
6. I grew up in the country and have been horse riding since I was two, then had to give up 3 years ago to move to Galashiels (otherwise known as the hell mouth) for uni
7. I have freakishly large man hands. No, seriously, they're huge!
8.In the star tattoo on my back, I have the name of my favourite Muse song, Darkshines. I don't like Muse as much as I used to but I still love that song
9. I used to get panic attacks a lot in high school, to the point I'd spaz out every time a got on a bus or had to walk into a room of people
10.I get overly violent when drunk, but only towards people I like. I headbutted my best freind once (in my defence she bit me) and gave her a nose bleed
11. I can do an uncanny impression of a pirhanna, thanks to my freakishly hinged jaw
12. I have a Victoria Plum duvet cover
13. I would do anything for my best freind. She's my favourite person in the world and I love her to bits. I also live with her. We know each other so well we can communicate through grunts
14. On New Year's Eve last year I got jumped by a 14 year old ned. I t was more embarrasing than anything else.
15. I am very vulgar and have little to no shame
16. I can be incredibly shy and completely lack the ability to talk to a boy I like without falling over, stuttering or generally acting like a retard
17. When I was 10 I started my own business making doll houses out of shoeboxes and selling them to my freinds
18. I can't stand being in the same room as my sister for more than 5 minutes. We have hated each other since birth and used to have hysterical cat fights as kids. For example I once tried to throw an ironing board at her (this backfired and I ended up hitting myself in the face)
19. I am practically blind and can't see anything without my contact lenses
20. My favouritest song in the whole world is "Jenny Your Barely Alive" by Rilo Kiley. Slap me I'm emo
When I read this back through I think I come of as being a bit weird, I prefer to think of myself as a poor eccentric

1. I got so drunk on my 17th birthday, I fell, broke my tailbone (I can't spell coccyxxx) and woke up upside down on the bathroom floor. I couldn't walk for 10 days

2. I give the best back and feet rubs in the world
3. I am a big scaredy cat and get thoroughly freaked out by: spiders; hoovers; motorbikes; fake nails; footballs; farmyard birds and feet. I am not allowed to watch Buffy if I am in my flat by myself, as I get hysterical and have to leave all the lights on all night
4. I am the most unhealthy person I know. I live on a diet almost entirely made up of: coco pops; ham sandwiches; chocolate; options and nicotine.
5. The longest relationship I' ve ever had was in primary school
6. I grew up in the country and have been horse riding since I was two, then had to give up 3 years ago to move to Galashiels (otherwise known as the hell mouth) for uni
7. I have freakishly large man hands. No, seriously, they're huge!
8.In the star tattoo on my back, I have the name of my favourite Muse song, Darkshines. I don't like Muse as much as I used to but I still love that song
9. I used to get panic attacks a lot in high school, to the point I'd spaz out every time a got on a bus or had to walk into a room of people
10.I get overly violent when drunk, but only towards people I like. I headbutted my best freind once (in my defence she bit me) and gave her a nose bleed
11. I can do an uncanny impression of a pirhanna, thanks to my freakishly hinged jaw
12. I have a Victoria Plum duvet cover
13. I would do anything for my best freind. She's my favourite person in the world and I love her to bits. I also live with her. We know each other so well we can communicate through grunts
14. On New Year's Eve last year I got jumped by a 14 year old ned. I t was more embarrasing than anything else.
15. I am very vulgar and have little to no shame
16. I can be incredibly shy and completely lack the ability to talk to a boy I like without falling over, stuttering or generally acting like a retard
17. When I was 10 I started my own business making doll houses out of shoeboxes and selling them to my freinds
18. I can't stand being in the same room as my sister for more than 5 minutes. We have hated each other since birth and used to have hysterical cat fights as kids. For example I once tried to throw an ironing board at her (this backfired and I ended up hitting myself in the face)
19. I am practically blind and can't see anything without my contact lenses
20. My favouritest song in the whole world is "Jenny Your Barely Alive" by Rilo Kiley. Slap me I'm emo
When I read this back through I think I come of as being a bit weird, I prefer to think of myself as a poor eccentric

Although it'd be pretty fuckin cool if it did
I spent a while in the UK, Nottingham it was. My friend rode horses but wouldn't let me so I rode my bike alongside. She was rude and red and probably the best woman on the face of the earth.