Help me out here folks. Its a little late night whining.... everyone on the planet feels insecure sometimes correct? ive been having the biggest problem i just cant kick, and i cant figure it out either. i really am a private person and i havent and wont post or talk about this with anyone i know personally, but maybe some independent thoughts/opininions will help out. now, obviously i know im an attractive woman. im also intelligent, talented, and fairly chill and personable. i love my old man and he loves me, he treates me better than perfect and is wonderful in every way, very supportive and loving. and ive always been the kind of girl who hates jealousy and i try to never practice it. there are lots of beautiful women in the world. i like to look at them, and i certainly dont expect anyone to not notice or appreaciate beauty. the problem comes in now, that i feel jealous!!! agh, i hate it! i cant stand it because i know that its stupid. but i cant kick this nagging feeling every time i know he's been masturbating to hot chicks when im not around. why should i care? its not as if he ignores me when im there, he doesnt. do other people feel like this? how do guys feel about this? feedback pls!!!!
Nearly every guy masturbates at least occasionally, and the rise of internet porn has no doubt increased that, and clearly attracts a huge number of viewers. Real numbers are hard to find, but the sheer volume of internet porn out there should give some indication of just how widespread it is. And, speaking as a guy who's been known to do the same on occasion, and who is happily married for 25 years (and looking forward to the next 25), I'd have to say "don't sweat it." It doesn't detract from his love for you - it doesn't even bear on it. And, if anything, it provides a relatively harmless outlet for any roving tendencies. If he's getting his rocks off looking at internet hotties, then he's probably not chasing real tail.
Also, if he's like most (not all!) guys, he'd probably be embarassed to talk with you about it, so be gentle if you bring it up.