The status is quo.

(maybe I should go get that tattoo I've been too chicken bok shit to get.)
itn took me 20 years to finally get my first tattoo after i figured out what it was that i wanted...

fuck it... if you it'll make you happy, then why not?

and you are right. the status is quo.

yay for tattoos, get one, get one gettttttt oneeeeeeee... (sorry just trying to brainwash you)

getttttttttt oneeeeeeeeee
Ok Aerosmith and Kiss are on my shitlist. mad

They're concert in Detroit has been rescheduled to weekend of the Red Wings - Detroit Tigers Alumni Softball Challenge at Comerica Park.

It's been cancelled so they can set up the stage. Bastards. I'd much rather see the Wings play softball than watch some fat old men run around in makeup.

When I went to the last...
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hey the smog is the good part about it tongue
Hey this out of power thing sucked major ass.

It's amazing how fast a hotmail account can fill up in a couple of days.

I'm still trying figure out how they know I'm in debt, want to spy on my neighbor, need four more inches, want to look at hot college girls doing naughty things on their webcams, need herbal viagra, am looking for a...
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i dont klnow sometimes its like spammers can reads minds... once i really wanted to buy this dvd and then i checked my mail and there was this offer for that exact dvd tongue it was creepy actually...
Well my summer hockey season has come to a close (thankfully). The bad news. We went a mighty 2-8 eeek . Impressive huh.

The good news is that we made the playoffs. Then again EVERYONE makes the playoffs. tongue

At least I scored two goals in the last game. Go me. biggrin

In other news I finally got my tattoo design worked out now all need is the...
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i'm with you!
really have you ever come to visit? smile
Well I feel crap from staying up late to watch Fooly Cooly on Cartoon Network. Wacky crazy zany fun that FLCL is. If you're not watching it, you should be! CN at midnight.

I Completely forgot about hockey game the other night. I hear we won.

Maybe I should miss games more often. eeek

Blah. I keep drawing but nothing is coming out right. I hate...
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just batman in general
i love me some batman
Well we finally got internet back at work today....sort of. They installed an old DAIL UP system to get us back online until they can figure out the problem with the wireless system.

You think dial up sucks at home try being on a network with it. It's S.....L.....O......O.....O......O......W.

Oh well at least my e-mail works now.

Hmmmm Michelle Branch is on the TV. YUM!...
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yay internet! woohoo! at least you had high speed, ive never even had the pleasure of even having it frown
hehe...thanks for the encouragement smile
Yay! We finally won a damn hockey game. We are now a mighty 1 and 7. Impressive huh.

Yeah. I didn't think so either. wink

Still no internet or e-mail at work. I swear I may have to resort to asking for somthing to do! eeek
when i used to play lacrosse, we have a wonderful record of 0-30, so your record is great compared to us tongue
The internet is is still down at my work and it's driving me insane. Three weeks and counting now.

With no e-mail, and no web I've actually caught up on all the work I had sitting around waiting to get done and that wasn't much to start with.

Most of the place is on vacation so all I can do is sit around and wait...
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Nothing much new to report. My hockey team is still winless despite (or in spite of) our best efforts. Nothing like paying for the pleasure of getting your ass kicked.

Some ass slashed me in the back of the neck last game, and I have to say it sucked. Nothing like having to miss work because of some dumbass, who thinks he's the Tie Domi...
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thank you thank you
all i can think from your pic is...fonzi hehe. aaaaayyyyy
Oh yeah you sent me an email... which I started to reply to, but then my boss was walking over and I had to do everything I could not to get caught! She must not know about my secret life, so I closed the browser window. Oh you can do whatever you like with the book, you can keep it or you (and your wife *grin* can write in it and send it back.

xoxo Alexis
Three games in four nights. Three losses if four nights. It sucks the big one.

We're a better team than our record suggests, but man do we find a way to lose. We always manage to snatch a defeat out of the jaws of victory. mad

That and I manged to be a human bullseye. Blocked a shot in the stomach, elbow, finger (slapshot. that one...
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