Tuesday Aug 26, 2003 Aug 26, 2003 0 Facebook Tweet Email The status is quo. (maybe I should go get that tattoo I've been too chicken shit to get.) cornelius: itn took me 20 years to finally get my first tattoo after i figured out what it was that i wanted... fuck it... if you it'll make you happy, then why not? and you are right. the status is quo. -bobby Aug 26, 2003 fauxfoe39801: yay for tattoos, get one, get one gettttttt oneeeeeeee... (sorry just trying to brainwash you) getttttttttt oneeeeeeeeee Aug 27, 2003
fuck it... if you it'll make you happy, then why not?
and you are right. the status is quo.
getttttttttt oneeeeeeeeee