Gah! My birthday is next month!

I'm getting dangerously close to thirty! eeek

......I don't wanna grow up! I don't wanna, I don't wanna, I don't wanna...

(This tantrum was brought to you by Mountain Dew)
yaaaay for someone else getting riled about kill bill wink
and my BIRFday is tomorrow! =)
thank you for the well wishes and the compliments =D
Good Gravy!

I've been busy lately and after a few days I come back to find SG in a whole new sexier outfit!

whoa, I like it....a whole lotta pink....but I like it.

In other more boring news my hockey team finally got a win! biggrin

We are now a mighty 1-5-2 tongue
2 ties eh? nothing more frustrating than busting ass for 60 minutes for a laaaame tie! =(
I have nothing interesting to add, so feel free to talk amongst yourselves. tongue
why thankyou sweets smile
Saw Underworld yesterday. Good flick. Better than I expected.

Sigh. I'm having creative block right now and can't seem to draw anything. Nothing is coming out and what does isn't what I want. frown

I know it'll go away eventually but for the moment it blows.

grrr...i wanna see it.

and lemmie get out my chisel and attack that block...*clink clink clink* =D
creative blocks are no fun. *sends creative vibes your way*
I would love to have something interesting to say right now but I've got bupkiss.

The logo for my hockey team I designed is up in my pics now.

The NHL preseason has started so all is right with the world. tongue
Blocked a slap shot in my hockey game wednesday on the inside of my knee.

You know it really is amazing the amount of colors the human body can produce when bruising. biggrin

My bootleg of the second Inuyasha movie arrived today. Good stuff.
Yo dude I got your package, those alexis anime pics cracked me up! I'm going to hang it on my fridge and scan it in and put in my pics section (if that's ok with you). Thanks for the coin and the bracelet. I'm wearing the bracelet right now, and it probably will be permanently attached to my body, like the cbrs in my ears and the jelly bracelets and the black choker. They've been attached me to since 2002.

Usually the rainbow of colors goes from purple, to red, to green, and then when it's at yellow, you're good to go and it's almost healed. I have alot of brownish red ones that never go away cuz I bruise easily... stupid things like the dog headbutting me leaves bruising on my shin. Ya well...
Bucky does rule!

xoxo Alexis
Designed a new logo for my hockey team today. I like it.....for now.

My anime addiction is getting out of hand. I never seem to make it to bed before 1am these days because of Adult Swim on cartoon network. Oh well sleep is overate....................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
post the logo dooooood! =)
My lab puppy ate a hole in our carpet today. eeek

I'm not sure if her "cuteness" is going to be enough to save her. Pissed doesn't even begin to describe it.

She hasn't done anything bad before and suddenly the carpet looks "tasty". I guess she subscribes to the theory "If you're going to get in trouble. GET in trouble."

Sigh...stupid dog frown

PS - Anime...
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hehe love those brits. prawns..along with lorrys, loos, and boots. silly words! one thing i do enjoy is that they have cadbury egg machines in the subway tunnels. or the tubes. whatever they call'em. is that a great country or what?

ooh and you're my friend now. yay =)

[Edited on Sep 05, 2003]
dogs are made for chewing holes
Tattoo update: I"m still bok shit.

I do however know what I want to get after years of indecision. The 7 priciples of Bushido in Kanji.

"Gi" The right decision
"Yu" Valor
"Jin" Benevolence
"Rei" Respect
"Makoto" Honesty
"Meiyo" Honor
"Chugi" Loyalty
u r so sweet *blush*..thankyou smile !!
The status is quo.

(maybe I should go get that tattoo I've been too chicken bok shit to get.)
itn took me 20 years to finally get my first tattoo after i figured out what it was that i wanted...

fuck it... if you it'll make you happy, then why not?

and you are right. the status is quo.

yay for tattoos, get one, get one gettttttt oneeeeeeee... (sorry just trying to brainwash you)

getttttttttt oneeeeeeeeee
Ok Aerosmith and Kiss are on my shitlist. mad

They're concert in Detroit has been rescheduled to weekend of the Red Wings - Detroit Tigers Alumni Softball Challenge at Comerica Park.

It's been cancelled so they can set up the stage. Bastards. I'd much rather see the Wings play softball than watch some fat old men run around in makeup.

When I went to the last...
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hey the smog is the good part about it tongue
Hey this out of power thing sucked major ass.

It's amazing how fast a hotmail account can fill up in a couple of days.

I'm still trying figure out how they know I'm in debt, want to spy on my neighbor, need four more inches, want to look at hot college girls doing naughty things on their webcams, need herbal viagra, am looking for a...
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i dont klnow sometimes its like spammers can reads minds... once i really wanted to buy this dvd and then i checked my mail and there was this offer for that exact dvd tongue it was creepy actually...