Right now at work things suck for anyone working in editorial. Things have always sucked for people in journalism, but we fight against it. Now things are getting even bleaker, we're being pressured to write certain stories and to not write anything that might piss off our sales department. It's not the big bad child-molesting Republicans or the gang violence we're fighting anymore, it's the fucking world of advertising. Again, and again, fucking ads to buy anything: cars, shampoo, food, clothes, all shit we really don't need. And we lap it up while the rest of the world lives in such extreme poverty it would make our homeless look like princes and queens.
The consumer nation and capitalism have taken over, I'm watching the battle everyday, we're loosing, they're winning. I went into the bank today and had to pay all these fucking credit card charges that I accumulated while I'd thought my wallet was stolen. Over-draft fees, shit like that, the credit card company just fucking purging me left, right and centre, and what can I do other than try to nail it home of the thick skull of the clerk who seems as hopelessly lost as I am. Now more than ever our dollar has become our vote. Kalle help a brother out here...
Adbuster's Statement
So what can we do? Medicate with alcohol and prescription drugs, don't cause alarm or break from the code. Just shut the fuck up and be a good consumer, spend, spend, spend your money. It's such fucking bullshit it makes me want to throw up everytime I turn the TV on, open up a newspaper or even walk down the street. Buy this, shop here, and I see people who've just fucking completely bought into this shit, you've seen them, chances are you might be one of them. New shoes, fancy sunglasses, dress shirt or skirt. Think about it, at the end of the day, when you're on your death bed, is that fucking GUESS T-Shirt going to give you that piece of mind you were so desperately looking for all your life?
Even Suicide Girls, I commented on a set about how we're seeing fake boobs. My comment was deleted and I was 'warned' by the board moderators. What ever happened to Net Neutrality?
I'm ranting but what-the-fuck ever. Do me a favour, do everyone a favour, the next time you buy something, anything image-wise, think: think for a second...
Do I really need to buy this shit?

Right now at work things suck for anyone working in editorial. Things have always sucked for people in journalism, but we fight against it. Now things are getting even bleaker, we're being pressured to write certain stories and to not write anything that might piss off our sales department. It's not the big bad child-molesting Republicans or the gang violence we're fighting anymore, it's the fucking world of advertising. Again, and again, fucking ads to buy anything: cars, shampoo, food, clothes, all shit we really don't need. And we lap it up while the rest of the world lives in such extreme poverty it would make our homeless look like princes and queens.
The consumer nation and capitalism have taken over, I'm watching the battle everyday, we're loosing, they're winning. I went into the bank today and had to pay all these fucking credit card charges that I accumulated while I'd thought my wallet was stolen. Over-draft fees, shit like that, the credit card company just fucking purging me left, right and centre, and what can I do other than try to nail it home of the thick skull of the clerk who seems as hopelessly lost as I am. Now more than ever our dollar has become our vote. Kalle help a brother out here...
Adbuster's Statement
So what can we do? Medicate with alcohol and prescription drugs, don't cause alarm or break from the code. Just shut the fuck up and be a good consumer, spend, spend, spend your money. It's such fucking bullshit it makes me want to throw up everytime I turn the TV on, open up a newspaper or even walk down the street. Buy this, shop here, and I see people who've just fucking completely bought into this shit, you've seen them, chances are you might be one of them. New shoes, fancy sunglasses, dress shirt or skirt. Think about it, at the end of the day, when you're on your death bed, is that fucking GUESS T-Shirt going to give you that piece of mind you were so desperately looking for all your life?
Even Suicide Girls, I commented on a set about how we're seeing fake boobs. My comment was deleted and I was 'warned' by the board moderators. What ever happened to Net Neutrality?
I'm ranting but what-the-fuck ever. Do me a favour, do everyone a favour, the next time you buy something, anything image-wise, think: think for a second...
Do I really need to buy this shit?

ALL I CAN SAY IS "%#@$"?!?!?!?!