Voice of the Voiceless
If one has no one to turn to, how long will they keep spinning?
We were raised by parents who were told by their parents to simply be happy that they weren't at war. So our parents simply told us to do the same. Do. Do things. Go to school. Buy a car Get a job. Get married. Have kids. Settle down. We were never asked why and were simply told that sometime along the way, the meaning of life, and happiness, would simply join us in the travels. I was raised inside a generation of men who decided to ask the worst question possible. Why? Why do I need a job, why the fuck am I in this world? Raised alongside men and boys who simply become shells of humans. Men who act while thinking but never think before acting. Men who become neutered in all sense of the word.
This world has created, and turned us into assholes. Not because we like to be assholes, but because it keeps us safe. We do the things we do - drinking, drugs, sex, violence - because we can, and it's the only thing we're told not to do. Life and society has told us to do so many things we crave to do the one thing we're not supposed to. And there is no guiding light. No God watches over us. Even if he did exist, he's too busy saving kids in Africa with AIDS or helping women who've been raped find a lover again. No we're just kids that aren't important enough, the middle child of society. The one's overlooked because life isn't that bad for us, but then again life really isn't that good.
My friends, my boys, we've all become beautiful narcissists. Made up of stories and caricatures of what we've done, who we've fucked, and how much booze we can drink before we throw-up. The thing is we're not worried about failing at life and society and all things. We're worried about passing with 51 per cent. We're the master's of the 51. We're the masters of complacency, and all we can do to break this window is rebel against everything moral. We rebel simply to hear our own voices over a loudspeaker, alone inside an arena, no one listening. We yell for the sake of yelling, because at the end of the day, this is all that gets us off, our only validation. Violence gets us off, booze gets us off, women get us off, conflict gets us off. Saving the world from AIDS and cancer and poverty - fuck we weren't groomed for that. We were groomed to float between happiness and sadness - wait your tables, build your houses, mow your lawn, then take our two sons to soccer practice and keep our fucking mouths shut. We're being asked to be quiet, and it pisses us off.
If one has no one to turn to, how long will they keep spinning?
We were raised by parents who were told by their parents to simply be happy that they weren't at war. So our parents simply told us to do the same. Do. Do things. Go to school. Buy a car Get a job. Get married. Have kids. Settle down. We were never asked why and were simply told that sometime along the way, the meaning of life, and happiness, would simply join us in the travels. I was raised inside a generation of men who decided to ask the worst question possible. Why? Why do I need a job, why the fuck am I in this world? Raised alongside men and boys who simply become shells of humans. Men who act while thinking but never think before acting. Men who become neutered in all sense of the word.
This world has created, and turned us into assholes. Not because we like to be assholes, but because it keeps us safe. We do the things we do - drinking, drugs, sex, violence - because we can, and it's the only thing we're told not to do. Life and society has told us to do so many things we crave to do the one thing we're not supposed to. And there is no guiding light. No God watches over us. Even if he did exist, he's too busy saving kids in Africa with AIDS or helping women who've been raped find a lover again. No we're just kids that aren't important enough, the middle child of society. The one's overlooked because life isn't that bad for us, but then again life really isn't that good.
My friends, my boys, we've all become beautiful narcissists. Made up of stories and caricatures of what we've done, who we've fucked, and how much booze we can drink before we throw-up. The thing is we're not worried about failing at life and society and all things. We're worried about passing with 51 per cent. We're the master's of the 51. We're the masters of complacency, and all we can do to break this window is rebel against everything moral. We rebel simply to hear our own voices over a loudspeaker, alone inside an arena, no one listening. We yell for the sake of yelling, because at the end of the day, this is all that gets us off, our only validation. Violence gets us off, booze gets us off, women get us off, conflict gets us off. Saving the world from AIDS and cancer and poverty - fuck we weren't groomed for that. We were groomed to float between happiness and sadness - wait your tables, build your houses, mow your lawn, then take our two sons to soccer practice and keep our fucking mouths shut. We're being asked to be quiet, and it pisses us off.