She Doesn't Want Us Anymore
Down inside this tavern lies a dark secret
Where cigarette smoke once searched this room
The floors have long since stopped creaking
And all the taps have long run dry
All that is left is a museum of dust
A thin surface lining the wood
Telling us a story we will never hear
Outside the grass fights, and looses, with concrete
It's stained by oil and an island on dirt
Long open streetways; banked only by abandoned cars
If the heat doesn't get you, the smell will
Gasoline and fresh air mixing with disinfectant
The smell of the Industrial Age gone sour
Something has gone terribly wrong
The remnants of a landscape ten years following an atom bomb
Metal gates rusted shut, sewer drains run dry with mud
Abandoned in every sense of the word, all beauty; she no longer resides here
Fragmentations of dreams, shattered all over the ground like window panes
Our modern-day ghost town, our forgotten lanes that lead to nowhere
This is urban decay, falsifying everything in its path
Swallowing everything into an invisible dream that's now since long forgotten
"Where did we go wrong?"
"Where can we go right?"
But the education is lost within the message
The message faded beyond recognition
Smoke stacks now guard the horizon
Not to keep evil out
But to lock us in
Until the fire becomes to much to bear
And we all lay down our arms
And die trying simply to live
Down inside this tavern lies a dark secret
Where cigarette smoke once searched this room
The floors have long since stopped creaking
And all the taps have long run dry
All that is left is a museum of dust
A thin surface lining the wood
Telling us a story we will never hear
Outside the grass fights, and looses, with concrete
It's stained by oil and an island on dirt
Long open streetways; banked only by abandoned cars
If the heat doesn't get you, the smell will
Gasoline and fresh air mixing with disinfectant
The smell of the Industrial Age gone sour
Something has gone terribly wrong
The remnants of a landscape ten years following an atom bomb
Metal gates rusted shut, sewer drains run dry with mud
Abandoned in every sense of the word, all beauty; she no longer resides here
Fragmentations of dreams, shattered all over the ground like window panes
Our modern-day ghost town, our forgotten lanes that lead to nowhere
This is urban decay, falsifying everything in its path
Swallowing everything into an invisible dream that's now since long forgotten
"Where did we go wrong?"
"Where can we go right?"
But the education is lost within the message
The message faded beyond recognition
Smoke stacks now guard the horizon
Not to keep evil out
But to lock us in
Until the fire becomes to much to bear
And we all lay down our arms
And die trying simply to live