so i think this waitress at my local haunt wants me. i'm extremely tempted to oblige. and i got a phone number last night of this cool chick named alex. kinda torn on callin her though. still hung up on courtney
What's a local haunt?
lol my local bar that my friends and i frequent smile
I think i'm done. i miss her so much but dammit if i can wait anymore. i don't have a choice but i can atleast be happy while i'm waiting.
Fuck this wallowing shit. I'm done with it. There are 2 reasons- 1. I can't get over her if I keep torturing myself 2. If she decides to come back to me, I want to be the strong, independent man that I was before. I dont have to replace her, I don't even have to start dating, but I deserve to be happy with myself....
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I just got done watching Sucker Punch. One of the best movies I've ever seen, and I've had an epiphany. I love her. No power in the universe will stop that. This amazing fact, in a world of amazing things, makes me happy. I don't quite know why, but despite the fact that I may never see her again, I've loved. And it's the deepest...
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Ha! It's Kansas City!

I are too much smart.
LOL yeah Kansas City, and my family is my friends, we'd have no problem getting them together
doing much better. is it bad that my night was completely made by one facebook poke? cuz it totally was. took my besty to her new job at Indie Tattoo in Independence, MO, she finished my left arm piece (pic to follow), saw some of my friends i haven't seen in months, ate dinner with em and went and saw 'Paul'. it was hilarious!!! got...
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haha. Aww. One little poke.

What an age we live in! Odd, right?

Thank you for your comment, on my second to last blog.

And lovely colors!
it is odd isn't it? thx casper
so....my heart was ripped out of my chest yesterday. She broke up with me b/c she doesn't think it's fair to me to drag me through her shit. She wants to be with me, cares about me but needs to sort her life out, she isn't ready for what we inadvertently were becoming. We hugged, hard, told each other we'd miss the other, hugged again....
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