things have been really rough lately. been broke as shit cuz i lost my job and no unemployment. i may lose my apartment. i have 3 interviews tomorrow, hopefully one goes awesomely
Interview on Monday, hopefully it goes well. Been a rough couple of months with no income. Sometimes I really, really hate my country. Every time I turn around I feel like I'm getting screwed by someone else, and not in a good way. Things aren't that bad, I have the best friends anyone could ask for. Sometimes I get lonely though. Oh well, off to... Read More
nice guys do finish last. sucks when the woman you're in love with cares too much about your feelings to hurt you and needs to be just friends. stuck in the fucking friend zone again. why do women not want to be with real, nice guys who'd hand them the world and treat them right?
been way too long since my last blog. so she doesn't want to date anyone else, doesn't want to date me right now and she would be disappointed if I dated anyone else. she's going out of town this weekend, think i'm gonna just chill and see her in 2 weeks. let absence make the heart grow fonder or some shit like that.
one of my friends really pissed me off last night. i'm sort of seeing my ex again. and i'm head over heals in love with her. she's not ready for anything, so we've kept things pretty middle schoolish. FRUSTRATING AS HELL CUZ I WANT HER SO BADLY. and i know she wants me. she got drunk and i had just enough to drink to make... Read More
thank you for the add and the comment on my set, I hope to be on the FP soon
It makes me happy to see that there are still some good guys like you, patient and respectful. if your lady needs time, give her time, she will be grateful and moved.
yeah it's been a while since i blogged. so much has happened. a bit over a month ago, my ex text me out of the blue wanting to get coffee. well we ended up just hanging out at my place and drinking all my winter lager. was a good night, we got a lot out in the open. she's moving out of her house she... Read More
so..... my ex texts me out of the blue last night and want's to get coffee. she ended up coming over to my place and we had a few beers. she pretty much told me that she's been thinking about me lately and has made 2 mistakes. 1 breaking up with me, 2 moving in with her new boyfriend. she's not happy and wants to... Read More
i'm not sure where i'm at in my life right now. life is good. one of my best friends is moving to texas for a month or permanently- don't know yet. new tattoo today, pics tomorrow. i feel like i'm waiting for something and i don't know what, but it could be interesting.
so my luck with the ladies continues to fail. i don't know if i'm too picky or what, but i've turned down more one night stands in the last 2 months than i've had relationships, am i crazy? am i wrong to want more than one night maybe-bliss? met with disappointment this week from laura. she wants me, but it isn't enough that we want... Read More
it's been entirely too long since i've blogged. let's see, in the last month i've turned down 3 women with overt offers for me to take them home and do dirty things to... i have standards sadly that overrode my need to get laid. or i could be lying to myself about my ex. or both, don't know, don't really care. i got my own... Read More