for the first time in my life, i find myself dating 2 women. 1. cute cool chick, fun in bed, just not as interesting as 2. 2. went to school with her but haven't really seen her since middle school or longer, nerdy, sexy just amazing. i've never really met a woman who can stimulate me intellectually as her. first date set for Thursday evening. really crushing on her. we've been talking on FB on a regular basis for a month and she LOVES talking to me. we have a ton in common but not carbon copies. i'm excited. #1 can't hold a candle to her. i kind of feel like a dick about using 1 for sex, but she lives hella far away and understands where i'm at in my life. i don't look forward to telling her i'm starting a relationship with someone else (if it goes that way with 2) when i told her i didn't want one. oh well. gotta do what's right for me and i see nothing serious with 1 or sparks. i want sparks.
It's rare to have everything at once. Good luck on finding the sparks.
It makes me sad too. It's been over a year since I had a set go live and another year before that