So....this weekend was awesome. And thoroughly confusing. One of my exes is newly single and we've managed to stay friends. Our break up was harder on me than it should have been and I was a bit bitter about it for awhile, but we're pretty good friends now. She recently moved, became vegan and we both love to cook so we decided it was time to get together and cook. Goddamn she looks so hot!!! She intentionally wore a sexy shirt (so did i, which she ended up wearing
btw). I'm not sure how exactly it happened, but while we were making dinner we ended up making out and the passion that she kissed me with.... I hadn't experienced that in awhile. Needless to say it was awesome. We had previously started talking about our break up, but only in passing. We ended up having a very frank conversation about it. She didn't want to end up going to the bar weekly with me and didn't like that I did. Not because I drink, which I used to drink more, but I go for a couple, hanging out and singing karaoke. She also can't be around weed, which I used to smoke a lot, now it's maybe once/week. She's a nurse. She want's kids someday. These are reasons she gave. I've changed a lot in 2 yrs and i'm fine giving up weed. I don't have to go to the bar everyweek and I do want kids someday. Not tomorrow, I want to get married settle down and start a family soon, with in 5 yrs or less. She invited me to stay over Friday night. I wasn't sure what to expect. I didn't make a move to have sex. I didn't to to A. fuck up our friendship (which is kind of beyond that right now with the massive amount of making out) B. fuck up my chances at something more- a real relationship.
She had to work in the morning. She let me sleep and came back and made me breakfast!! She asks for patience because she just isn't sure what she want's right now. She's seriously think about us. She obviously wants me, no one kisses like that and doesn't. I left my earrings over there, so she told me to come by and get them. We did dinner again, vegan of course (quite good actually). She invited me to come over again Saturday night. Now, she did say several times how horny she is, I just didn't know what to do. I went to my RPG game and came back, just after 11. We hung out some more and both tired went to bed. I told her that I wanted her but won't pressure her, I just wanted her to know how I felt. She made vegan biscuits for me in the morning. Also good. We came to the mutual decision to let things progress and not force them. Hang out more and see if we can work. Nothing official of course. She'll be gone this weekend, but she did agree to come to the bar the next weekend and listen to me sing, which i'm very excited about. We made quite a few tentative plans actually. I'll be patient, but i won't wait around forever. I've never started as friends then went to dating. I think that's what's been missing in my previous relationships. Jumped into the sex too quickly, she even said as much herself. It will be nice to date one of my best friends, who can actually talk to. I"m excited but also anxious. I think she's crazy for hesitating at this chance, but i know she doesn't want to hurt me. I say bring it on and A. we'll get married some day or B. it won't work and we'll be friends again. I see nothing to lose here.

She had to work in the morning. She let me sleep and came back and made me breakfast!! She asks for patience because she just isn't sure what she want's right now. She's seriously think about us. She obviously wants me, no one kisses like that and doesn't. I left my earrings over there, so she told me to come by and get them. We did dinner again, vegan of course (quite good actually). She invited me to come over again Saturday night. Now, she did say several times how horny she is, I just didn't know what to do. I went to my RPG game and came back, just after 11. We hung out some more and both tired went to bed. I told her that I wanted her but won't pressure her, I just wanted her to know how I felt. She made vegan biscuits for me in the morning. Also good. We came to the mutual decision to let things progress and not force them. Hang out more and see if we can work. Nothing official of course. She'll be gone this weekend, but she did agree to come to the bar the next weekend and listen to me sing, which i'm very excited about. We made quite a few tentative plans actually. I'll be patient, but i won't wait around forever. I've never started as friends then went to dating. I think that's what's been missing in my previous relationships. Jumped into the sex too quickly, she even said as much herself. It will be nice to date one of my best friends, who can actually talk to. I"m excited but also anxious. I think she's crazy for hesitating at this chance, but i know she doesn't want to hurt me. I say bring it on and A. we'll get married some day or B. it won't work and we'll be friends again. I see nothing to lose here.