ROB ZOMBIE WAS AWESOME!!!!! first time i ever saw him live, great show. we got there late cuz it was 105 out so we only saw As I Lay Dying and Rob Zombie. Um.... As I Lay Dying wasn't so great and most of them were wearing skinny jeans. There is something very wrong with a metal band wearing skinny jeans 

also my ex found me and i decided i can't be just friends with her right now. it might have something to do the fact that i had to meet my replacement. fuck that shit. i'll be civil, maybe someday we'll be friends but i'm not going out of my way.

also my ex found me and i decided i can't be just friends with her right now. it might have something to do the fact that i had to meet my replacement. fuck that shit. i'll be civil, maybe someday we'll be friends but i'm not going out of my way.
lucky you
Rob Zombie is amazing! I got to see him twice last year. He puts on such a great show.