holy crap it's been forever since i blogged here. man time flys. well i started school 6 weeks ago at the art institute international and damn its been a BLAST!!! i'm acing all my classes, learning a lot and having fun doing it. issues with unemployment have me very down, they say i have to pay back everything they've paid me but i'[m appealing it. its bullshit. i can't pay back $5,000, it just ain't happening. on the bright side, the car my friend fucked me over on got repo'd and my lawyer says it won't hurt my credit or have to pay a dime on it due to the undisclosed issues that should have been disclosed. so yay there.
i got a new bike today. set me back $420 all said and done, but i'm determined to get in shape and lose some weight. one of my friends saw my ROTC pic from freshman year in high school and he said 'dude what happened'....my only response was that i gained weight so dammit its going!!!! also got a new hair cut today i think it looks sooooo much better than it did. never trying to grow it long again!
i got a new bike today. set me back $420 all said and done, but i'm determined to get in shape and lose some weight. one of my friends saw my ROTC pic from freshman year in high school and he said 'dude what happened'....my only response was that i gained weight so dammit its going!!!! also got a new hair cut today i think it looks sooooo much better than it did. never trying to grow it long again!

God, money issues are stressful.