"It's in that place where I put that thing that time.."
There I am, 8th grade. 8th grade was kind of weird. I wrote lots of angsty poetry (well, that continued after 8th grade, hehe) and dyed my hair red all the time, and I'd always draw these ornate designs all over my arms.
And I had class with Melissa! heh, yeah.
Anyway. I bought lots of groceries today. I went to Trader Joes! I got really good organic bread! And cranberries! This exclamation thing is really annoying!
I always feel obligated to write short journal entries... maybe I should write more details. And you can thrill to the mundane events of my life.
Or not. QUESTION: Who is your favourite kickass female character in a movie? Mine's either Angelina Jolie in Hackers (Kid609 knows what's up!) or Kate in Kiss The Girls. Hell yes.
Oh and Superscott reminded me of Leeloo in 5th Element, damn straight!
hope you have sexy evenings.
There I am, 8th grade. 8th grade was kind of weird. I wrote lots of angsty poetry (well, that continued after 8th grade, hehe) and dyed my hair red all the time, and I'd always draw these ornate designs all over my arms.
And I had class with Melissa! heh, yeah.
Anyway. I bought lots of groceries today. I went to Trader Joes! I got really good organic bread! And cranberries! This exclamation thing is really annoying!

I always feel obligated to write short journal entries... maybe I should write more details. And you can thrill to the mundane events of my life.

Or not. QUESTION: Who is your favourite kickass female character in a movie? Mine's either Angelina Jolie in Hackers (Kid609 knows what's up!) or Kate in Kiss The Girls. Hell yes.

hope you have sexy evenings.

My favorite kickass female character has to be Rita Hayworth in Gilda. Or Salma Hayek in Frida. Go see it already!!!! It's so lovely, plus you should always support female directors and producers. Oh, and lest I forget, Ms. Patricia Arquette in True Romance, or Julie Delpy in Killing Zoe. Tarantino has some good kickass women.
i have so many favorite actresses, if i totally got into your answer, i could create book. and since i just woke up, i will stick with your answer for now.
oooh i adore the fishnet picture!
after i wrote that journal entry, i talked to my boy on the phone. i asked him if he was still upset with me & he said he was... and i asked him if he understood why i felt that way... he said, "kinda..." and he continued to give me one-word answers, so i told him how frustrating it is to communicate with him, and the predictable boy responds by telling me he doesn't know why he does this... arghh. so this is why i get nowhere with him.
thanks for being a friend.