TRACY BONHAM ROCKS!! Just thought I'd mention.
Arg, San Diego's getting me down... I just want to live in downtown LA... or at least DOWNTOWN San Diego as opposed to living in these evil evil dorms where everyone listens to Britney Spears... constantly.
I love magnetic poetry. I wrote this poem called "Smoke Sex Cigarettes" with those little magnets the other day, it was funny.
QUESTION: if you could kick anyone's ass without consequence, whose would you kick?
I'd kick either Jonothan Hammond or Roger Borhaug's asses. They were jerks to me in 8th grade and they'd always snap my bra. I hated those two. Then Roger tried to ask me out. Grrr.
anyways.. no class till 11 tomorrow... that is just beyond peachy.
"He's not a yuppy!"
"He's the reason why Cliffnotes were invented."
-Reality Bites (love that movie. beyond love that movie.)

Arg, San Diego's getting me down... I just want to live in downtown LA... or at least DOWNTOWN San Diego as opposed to living in these evil evil dorms where everyone listens to Britney Spears... constantly.

I love magnetic poetry. I wrote this poem called "Smoke Sex Cigarettes" with those little magnets the other day, it was funny.

QUESTION: if you could kick anyone's ass without consequence, whose would you kick?
I'd kick either Jonothan Hammond or Roger Borhaug's asses. They were jerks to me in 8th grade and they'd always snap my bra. I hated those two. Then Roger tried to ask me out. Grrr.

anyways.. no class till 11 tomorrow... that is just beyond peachy.

"He's not a yuppy!"
"He's the reason why Cliffnotes were invented."
-Reality Bites (love that movie. beyond love that movie.)

do u go to sdsu or ucsd? i might be going to visit my friend at sdsu sometime soon.
hahaha. i would kick this guy who hit me with his bike today. assmunch! grrr.
few years ago at a tiny little bar. She is so amazing I was reeling for days
Kick ass: David Hasselhoff. *smirk*