In a coffeeshop... in a city.. which is every coffee shop and every city, on a day which every day.
Yo yo. I have two gigs this weekend, ain't that wicked? Yeah... One at Starbucks oddly enough. With this hip jazz trio. Maybe I'll get free caramel machiatos... I'm kind of in love with those things, even though it's just a fancy name for a vanilla latte with caramel. But they're fucking good.
what would your band be called, if you had a band? (or if you've already got one).
Mine would be Asian From A Distance. Hehehe.
haha, I went to a porn store the other day. I love the names they've got for dildos, I really do. "She Shell"! "Venus Penis"... or, haha, "Executive Facillitator".. "Bluebird of Happiness" (?!?)
or my favourite one, "Realistic Cock". That's like those strip malls where every store is just called "Dentist" or "Nail Salon". Very straight-forward.
hehehe... g'night, hipsters.
Yo yo. I have two gigs this weekend, ain't that wicked? Yeah... One at Starbucks oddly enough. With this hip jazz trio. Maybe I'll get free caramel machiatos... I'm kind of in love with those things, even though it's just a fancy name for a vanilla latte with caramel. But they're fucking good.

what would your band be called, if you had a band? (or if you've already got one).

Mine would be Asian From A Distance. Hehehe.

haha, I went to a porn store the other day. I love the names they've got for dildos, I really do. "She Shell"! "Venus Penis"... or, haha, "Executive Facillitator".. "Bluebird of Happiness" (?!?)
or my favourite one, "Realistic Cock". That's like those strip malls where every store is just called "Dentist" or "Nail Salon". Very straight-forward.
hehehe... g'night, hipsters.

I think I would call my band Heroenne. Just because it's so politically correct.
and congrats on your gigs....even if one is at the evil starbucks (although i loooove their drinks *hangs head in shame*)