My art teacher looks exactly like Kenneth Branagh. It's kind of cool... but every time I look at him, I can't help but think "Once more unto the breach, dear friends..."
Yeah... being in school again is bizarre. It's almost as though I keep forgetting what it's like, or something... and I have to reaqquaint myself with, you know, how to get to this building, or what food they have in the student center, et al, et al...
Walking around campus today... I realized, I dunno, there ARE interesting people here, there is individuality and intelligence and wit and all that stuff that I love seeing in people. I felt like such a shitty, cynical person after last semester... going from this post-highschool hopeless romantic optimist to "God, everyone sucks" was kind of sad.
(i've decided journal entries are more fun with pointless smileys interspersed randomly)
I miss my cousin! She's this kickass girl who goes to Burning Man and has fuckin cool tattoos and piercings and takes crazy road trips in painted buses.. she's the epitome of hip. She just had a baby she named Amelie... and I miss her.
who do you miss?
"I'd like to teach the world to sing..."
have a lovely afternooooon...

Yeah... being in school again is bizarre. It's almost as though I keep forgetting what it's like, or something... and I have to reaqquaint myself with, you know, how to get to this building, or what food they have in the student center, et al, et al...
Walking around campus today... I realized, I dunno, there ARE interesting people here, there is individuality and intelligence and wit and all that stuff that I love seeing in people. I felt like such a shitty, cynical person after last semester... going from this post-highschool hopeless romantic optimist to "God, everyone sucks" was kind of sad.

(i've decided journal entries are more fun with pointless smileys interspersed randomly)

I miss my cousin! She's this kickass girl who goes to Burning Man and has fuckin cool tattoos and piercings and takes crazy road trips in painted buses.. she's the epitome of hip. She just had a baby she named Amelie... and I miss her.

who do you miss?
"I'd like to teach the world to sing..."

have a lovely afternooooon...

i miss being able to play my music loud late at night, along with my instruments. And i miss new music being any good. LEARN HOW TO PLAY NEW SHIT PEOPLE. argh i'm bitter about the current stage of new music.
More pointless random smileys! I miss my sweetie.