I talked all night to a friend of mine who just so happened to be the person that inspired my dissertation. It feels so good to be around people who understand the things that I want to know more about. She spent the summer in Sophia, where they nod up and down to mean no, and shake their heads left to right to mean yes....
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Just got back from Honduras. Third world countries... Seattle is so nice right now. Love your fellow man. Please.
I love Tom Waits.
Artsy project inspiration...
a little explanation of process, someone asked, and I thought of ya'll...
It's fun, simple, easy, endless, and "historique de artsy"
For my artsy friends, if they feel like a project....
a little explanation of process, someone asked, and I thought of ya'll...

It's fun, simple, easy, endless, and "historique de artsy"
For my artsy friends, if they feel like a project....


ok mystery girl with no pictures who seems to have popped up out of no where... listen... if your "true self" consists of crap tattoos like stars and tweety birds, then i'd still be laughing at you. But somehow I doubt that's the case. I think if you're putting your true self out there, then that would eliminate the need to fit in through the use of cultural icons like Looney Toones, Giger, or whatever/whomever else you choose.
that being said.. try not to take everything I say so seriously... half of what I say is because so many of my friends have these tattoos, and I just like to rattle the cage.
that being said.. try not to take everything I say so seriously... half of what I say is because so many of my friends have these tattoos, and I just like to rattle the cage.
I just ate fourteen grapes. My brother brought over some scotch so we could catch up. Scotch and grapes. mmmmmmmmm. who knew?!

, grapes/scotch, what for red wine?
how now brown cow..

how now brown cow..
Come see the new circus journal act...step right up....
Just wasted an hour and a half on a shitty movie. Bright side: sexiest frenchman i have ever laid eyes on.

Hey, you.
What movie?
What frenchman?
We want details, girlfriend.
Are you going to put up some of those pics?
So what does it take to get an image posted in my journal around here?
luz' ya... (like luv, but better)
What movie?
What frenchman?
We want details, girlfriend.
Are you going to put up some of those pics?
So what does it take to get an image posted in my journal around here?
luz' ya... (like luv, but better)

Wow, he is hot....
*moment of self worth examination*
Aaah, who am I kidding, that is one hot dude!
Keepm hungry Mr. Olivier Martinez!
*moment of self worth examination*
Aaah, who am I kidding, that is one hot dude!

Keepm hungry Mr. Olivier Martinez!

back in seattle....missing boston and the east coast vibe. today i shall write 26 pages and yes, I know thats an odd number but it just happens to be what i came up with. my editor told me i needed to start setting goals and sticking to them, so i'm going to give it a go.

i met people today that eat meat and rave about it. this is a sick world. my cat is purring. he needs me. gotta go cuddle. peace out......

Boston has been amazing... My editor said that he liked what he read and that he would be contacting me about publishing my essays. I actually thought I would be more excited. I feel like someone else out here. I don't miss home and I feel guilty about that. I was walking around in the city today, and I realize that so much of my...
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Glad it has been going well for you. Congrats and enjoy your time!
I'm off to Boston and I am at once nervous and excited... this could be great for my career, but if he did not like my stuff it could be horrible for my self-esteem. Aside from the actual "meeting" I cannot wait to be back in Boston. I did an internship there two summers in a row during college, and I fell in love with...
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inability to translateCANNOT really know what it meansright way to explain.
Yeah, thats so true.
Language is possibility and instantaneous telepathy. To think and have the concepts dissolve into salient language is a minds masterpiece. Of all the languages I have crossed paths in the night, English has come to be my special little love. It intertwines concepts and if it cant divine the truth, it will pull other languages into its context or as the single untranslatable will burst into a myriad as a rushing stream will not be held by the obstructing stone.
HumfMaybea little too excited
If I could change the rules, I would include symbols, pictographs, or hieroglyphs to the language to include an imagery component. I see this already with just symbols as well as
Additionally, tone would be nice to have a little emphasis, not singsong but diverse tonality, underling emotion or expression and enunciation.
Is it too much to dream? Well, when all else fail, make something up!
euphemisms and figures of speech for death... Oh please, gimme, gimme. Maybe youd grace us with an except submission. (uhh...I mean excerpt)
[Edited on Aug 02, 2004 8:54PM]
Yeah, thats so true.
Language is possibility and instantaneous telepathy. To think and have the concepts dissolve into salient language is a minds masterpiece. Of all the languages I have crossed paths in the night, English has come to be my special little love. It intertwines concepts and if it cant divine the truth, it will pull other languages into its context or as the single untranslatable will burst into a myriad as a rushing stream will not be held by the obstructing stone.
HumfMaybea little too excited
If I could change the rules, I would include symbols, pictographs, or hieroglyphs to the language to include an imagery component. I see this already with just symbols as well as

Additionally, tone would be nice to have a little emphasis, not singsong but diverse tonality, underling emotion or expression and enunciation.
Is it too much to dream? Well, when all else fail, make something up!
euphemisms and figures of speech for death... Oh please, gimme, gimme. Maybe youd grace us with an except submission. (uhh...I mean excerpt)

[Edited on Aug 02, 2004 8:54PM]
in response to your question, i'm into the whole beat movement, burroughs just happens to be my favorite. i haven't read that much ginsberg. other than bukowski i haven't really been into poetry since i was younger, and from what i've seen that's mostly what he does.
i have yet to see said movie either. my friend snkrpimp88 saw it and said that it was good.
i have yet to see said movie either. my friend snkrpimp88 saw it and said that it was good.

"God is an actor, too.
Appearing for countless seasons in a variety of old-fashioned costumes, animating many tragedies and a few comedies; multiform- though usually in male roles- and always statuesque, commanding, lately (this is the second half of the nineteenth century.) He has been getting some bad reviews, though not enough bad reviews, yet, to close the show. His dear familiar name continues to...
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Appearing for countless seasons in a variety of old-fashioned costumes, animating many tragedies and a few comedies; multiform- though usually in male roles- and always statuesque, commanding, lately (this is the second half of the nineteenth century.) He has been getting some bad reviews, though not enough bad reviews, yet, to close the show. His dear familiar name continues to...
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Yes, Im familiar with ol Spencer, especially his European instillations. On related note, I may not have told you, but during undergrad work I took Spanish, French, Japanese, Sanskrit, Italian and Gaelic, trying to find that language I liked. Not really being very good at any of them, I settled for a linguistics minor. Language is a profound wacky cognitive phenomenon. Dign on that lingo fun ya got gon.
So in Japan frotters are a real problem. My sisters tell me that getting on a subway = getn felt up. I dont seem to have that problem. I suppose I dont have the bits of interest.
Cheers, looking forward to reading your art.
So in Japan frotters are a real problem. My sisters tell me that getting on a subway = getn felt up. I dont seem to have that problem. I suppose I dont have the bits of interest.
Cheers, looking forward to reading your art.
Yeah, coffee would be good if I can make a run to Seattle, just don't know how much time I will have...I am going up there to see my mom, she's teaches at Gonzaga...so it really depends, but I would love to make a run to seattle...get some more ideas for ink from the Inuit art...I will have to see how the time permits.