I saw Interpol last night at the Warfeild and they rocked the shit! And by the way who designed those San Francisco streets? A freaking child? Geez it's ridiculous, seriously.
watch Mindwalk. seek it out at your video stores and watch it.
ok.. i'll go this weekend and check it out smile
Bad luck for me.. I got in a car wreck yesterday. Everybody is ok, which is the important thing. Just my poor brand new car (Matilda) is hurt and I don't have collision insurance, but it might've been the other guys fault and hopefully his insurance will pay for the damage. But then when I get back yesterday from the crash I find a curious...
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the important thing is that no one got hurt...
yeah. pain killers make it worth the while.
I'm in LOVE..

I'm all shook up

who's the lucky lady?
that is exactly how the movies describe it smile....
Today I rocked the F out during band practice. I had to learn new songs and relearn ones I forgot right on the spot and play them.. which is very difficult and headache inducing. I messed up a bunch, which I'm sure you couldn't tell much because the drums overwhelm everything else.. but I knew it and it's the thing I do and I should...
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I have not been witness (or victim *just kidding*) to your playing but iam sure you'll do great as long as you practice ( and besides mistakes are obvious to the person playing more so than the ones listening)... and band practice is fun fun fun !smile... Freud was a silly fellow but he placed all confusing emotions into a simple science we can all somewhat connect or make us think we connect to.... right?
There I was, an ass kicking super hero in a city filled of asses. Tonight was a busy night.

I sat down and slid my foot into my ass kicking boot--it was the only foot I had, and the only boot as well. I had the other lodged deep in the colen of some life long scum bag, who had just robbed an old vietnamese...
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i want to go on an adventure or something.. things are getting extremely dull around here
I woke up at 3:30pm today. Today for me is Thursday ran into Friday. It's now around 8am. I gave up trying to make sense a while ago. It's much more fun just rambling and not caring about what someone who reads this thinks. So I don't care what you think--well, unless your my friend I care. Why must strangers be so strange? Here's a...
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you think iam cool? lol that's a first!.. I am going to santa barbara to just have some time off from LA i am sick of the same damn thing all the time... smile...well you live in paradise Santa Cruz...well take care and have a good weekend!
**I'll be your ARRR!!! wink
Hmm. Very reminisent of the "rapid-fire rant" style of poetry a friend of mine had in college. At readings he'd wander around the stage with a cigarette and bounce of topic to topic. It was always strange how everything was oddly linked together.

The origin of the statement? Have to go back to a party where I was discussing the taboo of incest with a friend of a friend. His contention was that it was disgusting and that if he'd slept with someone whom he later found out was his relative he'd probably freak out. I couldn't see a reason why. Now, I don't think I'd actively pursue a relationship with someone I was related to, but if I happened to be with someone and then found out later that they were a cousin, I think I could deal with it. I told him, "It's really no different than her telling me that she's the world champion midget tosser." To which my friend responded, "You know, that's kinda sexy. Tossing midgets."

Sometimes the neurons give off weird sparks.
Friends..how many of us have them? Friends...ones you can depend on? Friends..
A friend depended on is a friend lost.