i've neglected my journal for so long. one of you emailed me and seem to think that not writing in my journal is like the new black or something. i'm thinking you are on to something.
to start off your uncle cory is requesting a moment of silence as we honor the passing of rodney dangerfield. although his trademark line was "no respect", i am still paying him nothing but mad respect. rip... yo!
i love when it rains. didn't get that when i was in los angeles. rain. r-a-i-n. rain.
what's up with that gal that had the affair with david beckham jerking off a pig on television? hmmnn. i fail to even find that funny. or even shocking. perhaps i'm just growing old.
doesnt it bother you when youre in the bathroom at the stall and some guy in the next stall starts talking to you? next time if youre in a public place like a stadium and say this is a friend just respond with a bewildered look and loudly say do i know yous?
this denim line i'm working is kicking ass. da'mage. but it's devouring my time. which is a good thing. "they" say.
hey you... i want to devour your brain. i'm getting bored with mine.
that citibank lipstick commercial where the lady keeps saying beep over and over cracks me up. good stuff.
many of you don't know of my problems with the insect family. i can spot a bug flying 60 yards away and know that before i know it, that bug is going find and buzz me. the drone of the insect family the fly got me this morning walking back from starbucks. fooker! now i cant sit down and type cause i feel like an army of those damn things are still in the room with me. payback thats what it is. yep a great past time for my brother and i was getting an ant bed riled up and throwing a grasshopper or fly or something right in the middle of them. interestingly enough, even today, the ants leave us alone.
i'm not sure which is worse... how to attract asian women... or how to date a white woman: a practical guide for asian men. either way... i'm getting you both.
to borrow a line from mos def all the doubters and believers, adjust your receivers. your uncle cory has this to say about the presidential debates two tko's to john kerry. kerry had the president on tilt from the second question from the first debate on. leading to a series of grimaces, eye rolls, head shakes that made al gore's sighs look insignificant. lets wait and see if this will even help kerry though. perhaps he can use some of this positive momentum to his advantage instead of worrying about catching the next tasty wave while windsurfing in the boston haaaaahbahhh. nomahhhhh!
to start off your uncle cory is requesting a moment of silence as we honor the passing of rodney dangerfield. although his trademark line was "no respect", i am still paying him nothing but mad respect. rip... yo!
i love when it rains. didn't get that when i was in los angeles. rain. r-a-i-n. rain.
what's up with that gal that had the affair with david beckham jerking off a pig on television? hmmnn. i fail to even find that funny. or even shocking. perhaps i'm just growing old.
doesnt it bother you when youre in the bathroom at the stall and some guy in the next stall starts talking to you? next time if youre in a public place like a stadium and say this is a friend just respond with a bewildered look and loudly say do i know yous?
this denim line i'm working is kicking ass. da'mage. but it's devouring my time. which is a good thing. "they" say.
hey you... i want to devour your brain. i'm getting bored with mine.
that citibank lipstick commercial where the lady keeps saying beep over and over cracks me up. good stuff.
many of you don't know of my problems with the insect family. i can spot a bug flying 60 yards away and know that before i know it, that bug is going find and buzz me. the drone of the insect family the fly got me this morning walking back from starbucks. fooker! now i cant sit down and type cause i feel like an army of those damn things are still in the room with me. payback thats what it is. yep a great past time for my brother and i was getting an ant bed riled up and throwing a grasshopper or fly or something right in the middle of them. interestingly enough, even today, the ants leave us alone.
i'm not sure which is worse... how to attract asian women... or how to date a white woman: a practical guide for asian men. either way... i'm getting you both.
to borrow a line from mos def all the doubters and believers, adjust your receivers. your uncle cory has this to say about the presidential debates two tko's to john kerry. kerry had the president on tilt from the second question from the first debate on. leading to a series of grimaces, eye rolls, head shakes that made al gore's sighs look insignificant. lets wait and see if this will even help kerry though. perhaps he can use some of this positive momentum to his advantage instead of worrying about catching the next tasty wave while windsurfing in the boston haaaaahbahhh. nomahhhhh!
Everyone seems to be ignoring their journals these days....mine is cause I am either watching baseball, hanging with my girlfriend, or just too damn lazy......How goes life in Texas...I miss it soo..

Steelers win it, 24-20 in the last moments of the game. sucka.