candy left over from halloween. a unified theory of everything. love left over from lovers leaving. books, they all know. they're not worth reading. it's not for the season.
home-made triple shot soy latte. my day has begun. hmmnn. home-made. is old school home-made ice cream not the best? the rock salt. the experience. nostalgia. damn. must buy an old maker. today.
i couldnt sleep for shit last night. stared at the clock from like 12:30 to 3:15. crazy what-nots roaming through my head.
you know what. i need a vacation. hualalai. lets go. ill give you a biscuit.
the fiery furnaces new cd is out today. its titled blueberry boat. rough trade is releasing it. im certain its great. and by all means original. if youre curious. you'll hear bits of blues, cabaret, psych-pop, prog-rock, punk primitivism, synth-pop, saloon piano, sea chanteys, carnival spice, out-of-this-world sci-fi and delightfully surreal lyrics. check it out.
wanna play tag after school? can you get a note from your mom? you need to have a signed note. no forging.
i have a friend, matt. he has a bad habit of using the word seriously way too much. its a running joke. seriously this. seriously that. funny. well, matt wanted to open a restaurant in austin. it would be close to the campus. and serve nothing but cereal. all day. every damn day. he wanted to name the restaurant cerealously. *sits with a straight face*
rock your face off. live fat. be skinny.
home-made triple shot soy latte. my day has begun. hmmnn. home-made. is old school home-made ice cream not the best? the rock salt. the experience. nostalgia. damn. must buy an old maker. today.
i couldnt sleep for shit last night. stared at the clock from like 12:30 to 3:15. crazy what-nots roaming through my head.
you know what. i need a vacation. hualalai. lets go. ill give you a biscuit.
the fiery furnaces new cd is out today. its titled blueberry boat. rough trade is releasing it. im certain its great. and by all means original. if youre curious. you'll hear bits of blues, cabaret, psych-pop, prog-rock, punk primitivism, synth-pop, saloon piano, sea chanteys, carnival spice, out-of-this-world sci-fi and delightfully surreal lyrics. check it out.
wanna play tag after school? can you get a note from your mom? you need to have a signed note. no forging.
i have a friend, matt. he has a bad habit of using the word seriously way too much. its a running joke. seriously this. seriously that. funny. well, matt wanted to open a restaurant in austin. it would be close to the campus. and serve nothing but cereal. all day. every damn day. he wanted to name the restaurant cerealously. *sits with a straight face*
rock your face off. live fat. be skinny.
YEAH it was your fault! I don't know how you are going to take me shopping if we can't coordinate!

well if you are just determined to purchase stuff for me, I suppose I could direct you to my wish list.... or you could just tell me where to meet the damn plane!