everybody's talking about this sap. michael moore. once again, being a self-indulgent mother fucker. no thanks. id rather chew glass, drink gravel and shave a man's ass with a spoon.
the new film may have some great points. may. 'bowling for columbine' had a few. nonetheless, i won't see it. that man just kills me. his lazy, misleading, careless and inaccurate rhetoric is annoying. why don't journalists challenge him and hold him to a basic standard of accuracy, regardless of his ideology? he gives well reasoned liberals a bad name. jackass.
car dealerships are a riot. they dont get it. its the little things. they can have a nice dealership in the best part of town, state of the art showroom and top of the line cars. then what do throw out front? a giant, inflatable gorilla. i had to stop and ask a sales reps about that big inflatable gorilla. does it really increase sales? "we get that a lot. we actually like our gorilla. yes, it does help in sales. uh huh. and the color? "purple. needs to be purple. so, a big, inflatable purple gorilla. and that sells cars. "yes sir. what about a giraffe or a water buffalo? "naw, naw, naw, it has to be a gorilla." how about a dinosaur? "a dinosaur, yeah, well, yeah. thats okay, as long as its a t-rex. and it's purple. but you prefer... "we prefer a big inflatable purple gorilla!.
so, you wanna know? the gal next in line to have my love child. kate beckinsale. she's the front runner but she has a lot of company. why? well. most women work at being sexy. kate beckinsale just is.
watch your back. there are ninjas everywhere.
the new film may have some great points. may. 'bowling for columbine' had a few. nonetheless, i won't see it. that man just kills me. his lazy, misleading, careless and inaccurate rhetoric is annoying. why don't journalists challenge him and hold him to a basic standard of accuracy, regardless of his ideology? he gives well reasoned liberals a bad name. jackass.
car dealerships are a riot. they dont get it. its the little things. they can have a nice dealership in the best part of town, state of the art showroom and top of the line cars. then what do throw out front? a giant, inflatable gorilla. i had to stop and ask a sales reps about that big inflatable gorilla. does it really increase sales? "we get that a lot. we actually like our gorilla. yes, it does help in sales. uh huh. and the color? "purple. needs to be purple. so, a big, inflatable purple gorilla. and that sells cars. "yes sir. what about a giraffe or a water buffalo? "naw, naw, naw, it has to be a gorilla." how about a dinosaur? "a dinosaur, yeah, well, yeah. thats okay, as long as its a t-rex. and it's purple. but you prefer... "we prefer a big inflatable purple gorilla!.
so, you wanna know? the gal next in line to have my love child. kate beckinsale. she's the front runner but she has a lot of company. why? well. most women work at being sexy. kate beckinsale just is.
watch your back. there are ninjas everywhere.
I don't blame you for not wanting to see the new Michael Moore flick, but I'm glad I went. I hate not knowing what people are talking about.
However, I see no comparison between Michael Moore and myself as a journalist. That is definitely an opinionated piece that he has explained in several interviews is much more of an editorial film than a documentary. Of course, I'm sure some people will take it as absolute truth, but I don't think that's the fault of the flimmaker. It's "society","education" and college freshmen that pick up whatever philosophy they're reading about that week. Journalism, it isn't.
Thankfully, we live in a country where people can spout whatever BS they want, whether inane, ignorant or largely untrue. Maybe it's just a journalistic core value thing, but I'd much rather have people be able to say ANYTHING than have limits on SOME things, left to someone else's discretion.
Plus, I always enjoy seeing in what new light Michael Moore is depicting Michigan. I lived next to Flint during high school, so it's weird to see depictions of things I remember clearly...and some things that are just skewed to people who've been there...