Accidents do happen.
I was gonna tell you guys a love story, but then I had a beer and went over to my mom's place. I did a little homework on the comp over there-they have a printer you see-then I decided to pack up a few more of my things and head back to the apartment.
On the way back to the house from my truck I was crossing the grass and as I lifted my foot to take a step I saw this dirt clod go flying onto the sidewalk. Except it wasn't a dirt clod. I did a double take and saw that it was a toad. Now I keep two toads as pets in my mom's house. So I grabbed this one and was gonna take it in and compare it to mine, but as soon as I got it in some light I noticed that the top of his head was scraped. It was not only scraped but it looked like I had smashed the thing's whole head, but it was still alive and kicking. I felt bad so I put it in an old fish tank that I have with a cut out box to hide in and some water. I don't think it's going to live.
It's a real bummer to me. I like my toads a lot and I hate the fact that accidents like that happen. I mean I would never have hurt the poor thing if I had just seen it.
Accidents suck so bad. This was totally fucking randum. It's the first time I've ever even seen a toad on the front lawn. Poor froggy.
My dad was over for a visit shorty after we got the thing in a cage. He, my mom, and I got to talking about accidents like how many close calls they've had with kids just bolting out into the street from behind parked cars 'n such.
I remember on time I was on my way to a study group, it had just finished raining, and I was turning left on the intersection of Watt and Don Julio. I pulled forward slowly and then fishtailed out of control into the bus stop across the street. Totally fucking randum. Had any one been sitting there waiting they would have been killed. I would have killed them.
Do I have a point? Yes.
I really feel bad about that damn toad and we should all just be careful.
You could get hurt.
I was gonna tell you guys a love story, but then I had a beer and went over to my mom's place. I did a little homework on the comp over there-they have a printer you see-then I decided to pack up a few more of my things and head back to the apartment.
On the way back to the house from my truck I was crossing the grass and as I lifted my foot to take a step I saw this dirt clod go flying onto the sidewalk. Except it wasn't a dirt clod. I did a double take and saw that it was a toad. Now I keep two toads as pets in my mom's house. So I grabbed this one and was gonna take it in and compare it to mine, but as soon as I got it in some light I noticed that the top of his head was scraped. It was not only scraped but it looked like I had smashed the thing's whole head, but it was still alive and kicking. I felt bad so I put it in an old fish tank that I have with a cut out box to hide in and some water. I don't think it's going to live.
It's a real bummer to me. I like my toads a lot and I hate the fact that accidents like that happen. I mean I would never have hurt the poor thing if I had just seen it.
Accidents suck so bad. This was totally fucking randum. It's the first time I've ever even seen a toad on the front lawn. Poor froggy.

My dad was over for a visit shorty after we got the thing in a cage. He, my mom, and I got to talking about accidents like how many close calls they've had with kids just bolting out into the street from behind parked cars 'n such.
I remember on time I was on my way to a study group, it had just finished raining, and I was turning left on the intersection of Watt and Don Julio. I pulled forward slowly and then fishtailed out of control into the bus stop across the street. Totally fucking randum. Had any one been sitting there waiting they would have been killed. I would have killed them.
Do I have a point? Yes.
I really feel bad about that damn toad and we should all just be careful.
You could get hurt.
just checking in on you and saying what's up
hope things out west are well 

The Dancing Banana says to have a good weekend.