When I was younger man I was in love once; truely, deeply, but never happily in love. It's funny-odd now because at the time of the breakup I used to think about it and her almost constantly, but these days I may go a week or two without giving her a thought and then it's usually just a casual memory that does no harm. So it's surprising to me when I'm all alone and memories and hurt come rushing in so sudden and so powerful as to bring tears in the middle of a drink, to where I'm crying before I even know what's going on. And then I have to tell myself and say, "oh yes, it was like that."
Friday I was out jogging in the park and I tripped and sprained my ankle. I was on the ground swearing and moaning and feeling embarassed when a woman stepped out of her car and said, "do you need a ride? I said yes and she helped me up. A man came up and said, "do you need to call anyone?" and I said, "brother, there ain't nobody to call." Too dramatic I know, but mostly true. The woman's name is Betsy and she said I'd have to ride in the front because her child was in the back. I was only two blocks from my appartment when I fell so I didn't get to talk to her long, but I found out that she is married and that her husband is in the Airforce. As I was stepping out of her minivan I said, "Betsy you're my hero." She said, "I don't mean to sound like I'm pimping out my friend, but I have a single friend who just got in town." I said "Well, I'm not gonna be up for dancing anytime soon, but here's my number." I wrote my name and number on an alcohol pad she had in the car.
So for the last two days I've been doing little else other than keeping my foot up and stewing in my own juice. If I stink I can't tell...you know how it is. My mom's been by to see me and my way cool bud Jessica made me dinner last night and brought me movies. I guess it was something in the movies that made me all emotional. Whatever. Writing helps.
Friday I was out jogging in the park and I tripped and sprained my ankle. I was on the ground swearing and moaning and feeling embarassed when a woman stepped out of her car and said, "do you need a ride? I said yes and she helped me up. A man came up and said, "do you need to call anyone?" and I said, "brother, there ain't nobody to call." Too dramatic I know, but mostly true. The woman's name is Betsy and she said I'd have to ride in the front because her child was in the back. I was only two blocks from my appartment when I fell so I didn't get to talk to her long, but I found out that she is married and that her husband is in the Airforce. As I was stepping out of her minivan I said, "Betsy you're my hero." She said, "I don't mean to sound like I'm pimping out my friend, but I have a single friend who just got in town." I said "Well, I'm not gonna be up for dancing anytime soon, but here's my number." I wrote my name and number on an alcohol pad she had in the car.
So for the last two days I've been doing little else other than keeping my foot up and stewing in my own juice. If I stink I can't tell...you know how it is. My mom's been by to see me and my way cool bud Jessica made me dinner last night and brought me movies. I guess it was something in the movies that made me all emotional. Whatever. Writing helps.
awwww. you're too sweet.