OK, so I have been tagged by juniordeputy, and now I have to tell 20 interesting things about myself...
1. I actually like being a nurse, and I've been known to cry when my patients die.
2. I actually like being a soldier, and the dirtier I get the more I like it.
3. The only drug I ever tried was marijuana...I inhaled, but it made me yack.
4. My sister died of AIDS in 1995.
5. I left the active duty Army in 1995 to come home and be with my soul mate. She broke up with me 3 days after I got back.
6. I have paid for sex
7. There are seven children in the world that call me "uncle jojo" and that makes it a lot easier to wake up in the morning.
8. There are more than 7 women in the world that call me "Joe the Ho."
9. I have traveled a lot. I've been to Europe, the Near East, and Central America.
10. When you sit down and do the math I'm like, 95 cents out of a dollar gay - but I'm not gay, I'M NOT!
11. I want a child more than anything else in the world. All of my friends who never wanted kids, or were scared to have them, all have families now. Me - the guy who's always wanted children - doesn't have any. I keep knockin' girls up and they keep killing my kids. This hurts - a lot.
12. I fantasize about making a website for my family, so that in Joe's magical world we would all keep in touch and be real friends and not just strangers who get together on holidays.
13. I cycle through the suicide girls in alphabetical order in my favorites, becuase I'm man enough for any of them. This idea was suggested to me by Morgan way back in the beginning of days. I am in awe of Morgan. The fact that beautiful, liberal, video-gaming women like her exist in the world is another thing that makes it easier to wake up in the morning.
14. I grew up with an irrational fear of the dark and I slept with my parents until I was 8 years old.
15. I judge horror films by how bad they scare me. If I can't turn off the lights for a few nights after seeing it, then it was a great show.
16. I like to snuggle to the point of insanity.
17. I have a pet toad. His name is "The Big One."
18. Sometime during the last year I realized that tall for women is like big tits for guys. I have some really tall pals and I have seen women really lose their shit for them. One bud is 6'4" and girls get giddy just looking up that high. I however, am the opposite of tall. I get out of bed anyway.
19. You can draw a pretty good picture of what I'm like, what I'm into, etc. by looking at my groups list.
20. I am in love with YOU, and if YOU would just fall into my arms I promise you Heaven on Earth.
Ok, there you have it. Everything you never wanted to know, and even though I'm the guy who deletes email forwards without looking at them and thinks people who forward chain letters should be made to eat them, I'm going to continue the fun and tag:
1. I actually like being a nurse, and I've been known to cry when my patients die.
2. I actually like being a soldier, and the dirtier I get the more I like it.
3. The only drug I ever tried was marijuana...I inhaled, but it made me yack.
4. My sister died of AIDS in 1995.
5. I left the active duty Army in 1995 to come home and be with my soul mate. She broke up with me 3 days after I got back.
6. I have paid for sex
7. There are seven children in the world that call me "uncle jojo" and that makes it a lot easier to wake up in the morning.
8. There are more than 7 women in the world that call me "Joe the Ho."
9. I have traveled a lot. I've been to Europe, the Near East, and Central America.
10. When you sit down and do the math I'm like, 95 cents out of a dollar gay - but I'm not gay, I'M NOT!
11. I want a child more than anything else in the world. All of my friends who never wanted kids, or were scared to have them, all have families now. Me - the guy who's always wanted children - doesn't have any. I keep knockin' girls up and they keep killing my kids. This hurts - a lot.
12. I fantasize about making a website for my family, so that in Joe's magical world we would all keep in touch and be real friends and not just strangers who get together on holidays.
13. I cycle through the suicide girls in alphabetical order in my favorites, becuase I'm man enough for any of them. This idea was suggested to me by Morgan way back in the beginning of days. I am in awe of Morgan. The fact that beautiful, liberal, video-gaming women like her exist in the world is another thing that makes it easier to wake up in the morning.
14. I grew up with an irrational fear of the dark and I slept with my parents until I was 8 years old.
15. I judge horror films by how bad they scare me. If I can't turn off the lights for a few nights after seeing it, then it was a great show.
16. I like to snuggle to the point of insanity.
17. I have a pet toad. His name is "The Big One."
18. Sometime during the last year I realized that tall for women is like big tits for guys. I have some really tall pals and I have seen women really lose their shit for them. One bud is 6'4" and girls get giddy just looking up that high. I however, am the opposite of tall. I get out of bed anyway.
19. You can draw a pretty good picture of what I'm like, what I'm into, etc. by looking at my groups list.
20. I am in love with YOU, and if YOU would just fall into my arms I promise you Heaven on Earth.
Ok, there you have it. Everything you never wanted to know, and even though I'm the guy who deletes email forwards without looking at them and thinks people who forward chain letters should be made to eat them, I'm going to continue the fun and tag:
of course i have mine. ah. hank.

u really are an amazing guy... and im sure your gonna make an amazing husband and father one day :o)