Alright I confess I have been quite the lurker around these parts the past few days.
I have been trying to get back to the swing of things since we have gotten back, but everything here is so calm, quiet and lets not forgot cold.
Catching up on all the sleep that was lost the past two weeks in LA. There just so much to do out there!
I think I have gotten use living here in Washington which is kinda hard to admitt coming from this city mouse, it makes me question... where do I really belong?
Home is where you make it, right?
To much cold meds makes me overthink....should find an alternative to the evils of over the counter cough syrups.
I would really like to sum up the many fun adventures that were had in the great city of Angeles but I keep getting distracted and dancing in my desk chair due to the awesome nosies my earphones keep spewing. The tardness I must be emiting must be rather painful but no worries get_dead_kid is so engolfed in the atrocities of his b-day present ;GTA.
What I do remeber ......
There were zombies, barfing pirates, lots of freeways, tocos at 3am, loads of laughing, bar hoping, getting dolled up, big movie theaters, conversations with smart ass toddlers, be woken up by dog licks, talking to strangers, parking lots, D-town LA and it's shinging lights, green and purple hair dye, and my most favorite parts were seeing all friends faces with smiles and staying up with my mom while she taught me to crochet.
that will be all

I have been trying to get back to the swing of things since we have gotten back, but everything here is so calm, quiet and lets not forgot cold.
Catching up on all the sleep that was lost the past two weeks in LA. There just so much to do out there!
I think I have gotten use living here in Washington which is kinda hard to admitt coming from this city mouse, it makes me question... where do I really belong?
Home is where you make it, right?

To much cold meds makes me overthink....should find an alternative to the evils of over the counter cough syrups.

I would really like to sum up the many fun adventures that were had in the great city of Angeles but I keep getting distracted and dancing in my desk chair due to the awesome nosies my earphones keep spewing. The tardness I must be emiting must be rather painful but no worries get_dead_kid is so engolfed in the atrocities of his b-day present ;GTA.

What I do remeber ......
There were zombies, barfing pirates, lots of freeways, tocos at 3am, loads of laughing, bar hoping, getting dolled up, big movie theaters, conversations with smart ass toddlers, be woken up by dog licks, talking to strangers, parking lots, D-town LA and it's shinging lights, green and purple hair dye, and my most favorite parts were seeing all friends faces with smiles and staying up with my mom while she taught me to crochet.

that will be all
I totally get happy when I see you posted to me....because you rock girlie girl!
Christmas is giving me the heebie jeebies......I'm afraid of bills, really big bills. I'm not ready...I want another month to prepare!!!!!