an organized post of my daily disfuction.
-Screen names will be the death of me, making one up that best fits my ever changing mind.
-weekend: consisted of a hefty amount of alcohol consumtion and little snack foods.
-in utter deninal with my love for marshmallows.
-obessions of the month:
1.downloading "covers"
2.not having excuses for not returning phone calls. hair do ideas
5.smiling at strangers
6.making useless lists
-need to sigh up for spring classes
-will defintinly jump the seamonkey, when he comes home from duty.
-Screen names will be the death of me, making one up that best fits my ever changing mind.
-weekend: consisted of a hefty amount of alcohol consumtion and little snack foods.
-in utter deninal with my love for marshmallows.
-obessions of the month:
1.downloading "covers"
2.not having excuses for not returning phone calls. hair do ideas
5.smiling at strangers
6.making useless lists
-need to sigh up for spring classes
-will defintinly jump the seamonkey, when he comes home from duty.