So as I'm sure so many of you are aware of the recent events happening in/out of the SG site; with that I have voiced my concerns on threads but didn't suffer the unfair consequences so many other girls and members alike unfortunately did, so I won't be talking about my opinions in this quick blog.
I wanted to make a post reaching out to the people who've I've had the joy of making connections with during my time here to say thank you, and goodbye. I will reaching out to archive my profile as I just feel like soley focusing on content *I* am producing, not for anyone or anything else. I'f you enjoy me as a model/creator I encourage you to follow me on my other medias or even sub to my nsfw platforms if you'd like to continue to support my work.
I'm not sure how all to end this for you guys lol, I just hope to see y'all around eventually! Much love, peach and happiness to you all XOXO Love Chapin Sophia (Monsoon)