My BFF had a baby and he rules:

They even let me hold him:
(I know, I can't believe it either)
While everyone I know is getting wifed up and having children, I, on the other hand, am drinking insane amounts of tequila:
and wearing ridiculous pants:
and having really engaging conversations with awesome dudes:[/sarcasm]
Whatever. These hips don't lie. Har har.
I used to roll hard with tons of bitches, but now...
it's just me and my critters:
Lest you guys think I'm a total derelict, I did get a job writing for a PR company recently. Freelancing. Still pretty awesome for an art major who hadn't written anything serious since college. Annnd I beat out 70some other applicants. <-- That's my horn, and I'm tootin' it a little! Toot toot!
(trying to keep a PMA here )
Congrats on the job!