I wanna get to the point where I don't feel like other people have to take care of me all the time. I'm so irresponsible and chaotic and I don't know how to not be. I'm scatterbrained, incredibly messy, overly emotional, forgetful. I'm never on time, I lose/break everything, I'm terrible with money. I pretend like I don't, but I drink way too much and I guess I'm a little bit of a hypocrite about that. I just wanna be a respectable, together human being but I'm so blaaaahhhhh all over the place always. I'm hard to deal with. I attract chaos like a magnet. When it comes to relationships my mom has always said, "You need a babysitter, not a boyfriend." I hate that. I'm not without my good qualities- but I gotta reign this shit in. I wanna be self-sufficient, not a walking disaster.

get a skateboard, and bomb hills late at night, by yourself.
goddamn i miss pittsburgh.