Things that are making me a happy Monroe:
- FINALLY getting a job-- full time, decent pay, potential to do cooler stuff in the future
- Warm weather
- Whiskey
- Peach tea
- Acquiring an air conditioner
- Successfully obtaining very expensive design software for free.
- Finally seeing Control. I'm not sure if this necessarily qualifies as something that made me "happy" considering the topic at hand but it was a really great movie. It was so beautifully shot-- every frame looked like it should be a still image on its own. I love Joy Division but I'm by no means a superfan so I'm interested to hear what you Ian Curtis experts thought about it.
- Heather doing my hair for free and it being suuuper white:
(super sweet pimple on my face, right? I never get pimples wtf )
- Gia and I pulling off a photoshoot of this lovely lady on our own (fuck fickle photographers! yay alliteration!):
It may not be as funny to you if you're not from Pittsburgh but you have to admire its sheer genius and tranny fabulousness. I've said it before and I'm saying it again because it's true-- I am a total tranny trapped in a woman's body. It's weird. I've always been obsessed with the hyperfeminine-- when I was little I wanted to be Madonna and SJP's character in my then favorite movie Hocus Pocus.
Speaking of SJP and trannies, years ago I promised my old roommate that I'd go see the Sex and the City movie with her if they ever made one, because I watched all the TV episodes with her. So tomorrow I'm staying true to my word and going to see it with her. I used to kinda like SATC when I was younger, but I've grown to find it rather annoying. All of the women are caricatures of specific stereotypes of women to such a point that I don't think they're very relatable at all. They're completely one dimensional and never stray from the the specific character role they play. Remember those "I'm a [Fill in the blank with your favorite SATC character's name]" shirts? Yuck. Yeah right! No one is that one dimensional and if you are, I feel bad for you! Also, Carrie's self-righteous, faux intellectual attitude and rants annoy the shit out of me. BUT I know I will thoroughly enjoy checking out the outfits, as Patricia Field is one of my idols. I was making my daily Jezebel round the other day and in a blog about going to Patricia Fields' party one of the writers said:
- FINALLY getting a job-- full time, decent pay, potential to do cooler stuff in the future
- Warm weather
- Whiskey
- Peach tea
- Acquiring an air conditioner
- Successfully obtaining very expensive design software for free.
- Finally seeing Control. I'm not sure if this necessarily qualifies as something that made me "happy" considering the topic at hand but it was a really great movie. It was so beautifully shot-- every frame looked like it should be a still image on its own. I love Joy Division but I'm by no means a superfan so I'm interested to hear what you Ian Curtis experts thought about it.
- Heather doing my hair for free and it being suuuper white:
(super sweet pimple on my face, right? I never get pimples wtf )
- Gia and I pulling off a photoshoot of this lovely lady on our own (fuck fickle photographers! yay alliteration!):
It may not be as funny to you if you're not from Pittsburgh but you have to admire its sheer genius and tranny fabulousness. I've said it before and I'm saying it again because it's true-- I am a total tranny trapped in a woman's body. It's weird. I've always been obsessed with the hyperfeminine-- when I was little I wanted to be Madonna and SJP's character in my then favorite movie Hocus Pocus.
Speaking of SJP and trannies, years ago I promised my old roommate that I'd go see the Sex and the City movie with her if they ever made one, because I watched all the TV episodes with her. So tomorrow I'm staying true to my word and going to see it with her. I used to kinda like SATC when I was younger, but I've grown to find it rather annoying. All of the women are caricatures of specific stereotypes of women to such a point that I don't think they're very relatable at all. They're completely one dimensional and never stray from the the specific character role they play. Remember those "I'm a [Fill in the blank with your favorite SATC character's name]" shirts? Yuck. Yeah right! No one is that one dimensional and if you are, I feel bad for you! Also, Carrie's self-righteous, faux intellectual attitude and rants annoy the shit out of me. BUT I know I will thoroughly enjoy checking out the outfits, as Patricia Field is one of my idols. I was making my daily Jezebel round the other day and in a blog about going to Patricia Fields' party one of the writers said:
Patricia Field is so awesome. Sure, she's the woman responsible for the damn flowers Carrie always wore. But she's also a gay woman of a certain age with Manic Panic hair and a fierce career. I wish Sex And The City were about her and her glam tranny friends instead. That would be amazing.
I couldn't agree more.
PS. Rush made me the most amazing fan art EVER
Sex and the City makes me think of these poor horses