My life since the last update has basically consisted of me trying to fight people at bars/nightclubs. My techniques of doing so consisted of, but were not limited to, the following things:
- Telling some rudeass, toothless rockasilly dude I was going to claw his eyes out and slap him in front of the entire bar ("it might not hurt but it's going to humiliate the shit out of you"). He and my friend have some longstanding beef so he was being a dick to her and then he kept trying to drag my boyfriend into their dramz.
- Throwing ice cubes at gross orange faux lesbians groping each other to attract men on the dancefloor of this ridiculous nightclub.
- Calling out some creepster old dude who was standing on a balcony at the same night club, staring down girls' dresses.
- Leaning out my window whilst loudly critiquing poor fashion choices.
- Spitting at frat dudes out of my window.
I am quite a lady. Panda_Eyes loves it when I get like that. And by loves I mean wants to kill me.
Here are some pictures from Antietam's birthday:
I guess some people have been talking about a certain aspect of my personal life so I want to go on record about it on the off chance that someone comes across this. I appreciate the concern of said people. Yes, shittiness has gone down, and it hasn't gone unaccounted for. But though things may appear a certain way, they are far more complex than any of these people know. It's almost laughable that anyone would think I'd be one of THOSE people. I have way too much self respect. Seriously. Kthxbai. Cryptic, I know.
Ummmmm anyway.
Still on the job hunt. Had some interviews. Who knows. I'm trying, and I'm trying HARD. It's getting really frustrating.
I'm searching for three things that keep alluding me (besides a job):
I find this man very attractive/awesome:
I am going to go jump in bed with him now.
this is something i do quite a lot!
you are just adorable, i forgot you looked so pretty yourself..
that man is gorgeous by the way, is it you boyfriend? he certainly is nice, not nicer than you though...
probably gonna head back in a month cause its real close!