This past week can be summarized as follows:
Work snorgz food booze snorgz booze kittens snorgz.
Rinse. Repeat.
My phone and purse were stolen last week. It was not nice, and it's a long story. I got my phone and purse itself back but much of the contents, including my mp3 player were stolen.
El_Scootro came to visit last week. He was supposed to go back home Monday morning. He's still here. He is a bad child who doesn't go to school.
We're supposed to go to the SG Havana party tomorrow but that's looking more and more dismal by the minute. Bummerfest.
I start the trial period for my new job this week. I don't wanna say too much about it because I don't wanna jinx myself but cross your fingers for me. Lord knows I need a better paying job the way I spend the monie$ on booze and clothes. And now that I am fully supporting myself for the first time ever...YIKES.
This is what I've been listening to this week. Enjoy.
Work snorgz food booze snorgz booze kittens snorgz.
Rinse. Repeat.
My phone and purse were stolen last week. It was not nice, and it's a long story. I got my phone and purse itself back but much of the contents, including my mp3 player were stolen.
El_Scootro came to visit last week. He was supposed to go back home Monday morning. He's still here. He is a bad child who doesn't go to school.
We're supposed to go to the SG Havana party tomorrow but that's looking more and more dismal by the minute. Bummerfest.
I start the trial period for my new job this week. I don't wanna say too much about it because I don't wanna jinx myself but cross your fingers for me. Lord knows I need a better paying job the way I spend the monie$ on booze and clothes. And now that I am fully supporting myself for the first time ever...YIKES.
This is what I've been listening to this week. Enjoy.
lap dog hand bag? weird.
Hells yes it is!! I'm getting cranky though because I pretty much know the stock of every store in my town back to front, so there's never anything new. But I'm going to Melbourne (the capital city of my state, just in case you don't know ) tomorrow for the Muse concert and a hell of a lot of shopping!