Let me start out by saying that Bowie is an amazing artist. Case in point:
I LOVE it!
Right now I am completely consumed with getting everything together for my show. I basically do nothing but. It's frustrating because I wasn't given much time to work on the actual artwork part of my tutorial. I spent about 90% of the year researching and writing, and what was left after that I had to actually work on art stuff. Uh...I'm an art major. Go fucking figure. My school is retarded. Anyway, I don't feel that confident in my artwork because of this, and I'm not sure that I even want people to look at it. My opening is next Friday. And I plan on fucking letting LOOSE. And getting as intoxicated as I possibly can.
I was able to sneak away from my work for a minute though on Monday to see David Sedaris speak. Oh how I love him!
I'm exhausted. Time for sleeping.
I LOVE it!
Right now I am completely consumed with getting everything together for my show. I basically do nothing but. It's frustrating because I wasn't given much time to work on the actual artwork part of my tutorial. I spent about 90% of the year researching and writing, and what was left after that I had to actually work on art stuff. Uh...I'm an art major. Go fucking figure. My school is retarded. Anyway, I don't feel that confident in my artwork because of this, and I'm not sure that I even want people to look at it. My opening is next Friday. And I plan on fucking letting LOOSE. And getting as intoxicated as I possibly can.
I was able to sneak away from my work for a minute though on Monday to see David Sedaris speak. Oh how I love him!
I'm exhausted. Time for sleeping.
All this, just so I don't whiff.
Congratulations, again, on your show this Friday. But I said that elsewhere on the tubes, on Myspace.