Well, my account expires early next year, so this'll be my last year on SG. I love all the people here, but I don't really support everything SG does anymore. SG is still great and all, but it's not what it used to be and why I joined up in the first place. So I just don't feel comfortable anymore paying for it. Plus, I have my blog outside SG for a while now, so I figure that people who wanna stay in touch, people who wanna stay friends, they can "move" to my blog. If not, then thas cool as well, I know it's harder to stay in touch with people if you're not on the same site anymore, but thas a decision everyone has to make for themselves. I'll still be blogging, I'll still hit people back on their own sites/blogs/pages, so it's really up to everyone else whether we're really 'friends' or not.