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Yeah, so like I said last post I got all my stuff in the mail and I got my TV so everything is set up. Unfortunately I had to go out and do bullshit errands that I ended up not even needing to do, but had to anyway because my superiors told me I needed things. It's times like this that the Army can be...
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AH hah hah hah! I got all of the stuff that I had shipped over from the States today! Got everything unpacked and now all I need is a tv and I'll be back to playing all my favorite games again! Also I got a coffee pot for some deliciousness in the mornings, a bunch of my movies, and a few extra treats that my...
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I freakin' hate working at nights, then having to switch over to working in the day. I'd just gotten to the point where I was able to sleep all day without waking up every few hours, and now I have to switch everything around again to a new schedule.

Oh well...at least now I won't be sleeping until 7 in the evening and then staying...
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I hate trying to lose weight. After all that I've lost that last little bit is just too stubborn to go away. Of course it probably doesn't help that my diet consists more of fast food than it used to, but that's neither here nor there!

Oh well...I
I also look like a zombie ..believe me!biggrin
Blargh...I don't feel like going in to work tonight. I hate those times where I just feel super lazy even though I have things that I have to go out and do. Why can't I ever feel like that on my days off when I have nothing to do? That's the time that I always feel like I need to get something done!

Oh well...off...
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My valentines day consisted of me being being at work all night, then having to take a PT test after no sleep, then having to stay awake all night again to make sure nobody burned down a building. All of that on maybe...four-ish hours of sleep.
Every once in awhile it feels really good to just stay inside and do nothing all day. But when it gets to be like that most days that I don't have to work it can get a little boring. Sure I've only been here for a few weeks and I'm still getting to know people, but still...as much as I love Star Wars there's only...
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