ok day so far. Breakfast with my friend Katy and then we ran some errands. i was hoping to have dinner with her but i haven't heard back. I did by some shark today. I think i'll make some rice and my an orange ginger sauce.
I replied to a few blogs today. I find myself hearing a made up woics when I read peoples blogs. Does any one else ever do that?
I have to move in 10 days and I still ahven't found a place. I might stay with my friend Jane for a bit.
Kiddie pagents are weird random thought.
I replied to a few blogs today. I find myself hearing a made up woics when I read peoples blogs. Does any one else ever do that?
I have to move in 10 days and I still ahven't found a place. I might stay with my friend Jane for a bit.
Kiddie pagents are weird random thought.

Also, we are friends and I don't want to make things all strange and weird if he doesn't feel the same way. But on the other thing, I kind of feel like if I don't do something, I will always wonder if there could have been something there....it's AWFUL!