Yeah well I feel like shit. My thoart is soar and I can't stop coughing and sneezing. God I hate this.
So I ended up working 13 hours last night, let me tell you it sucked, but I have four days off in a role coming up so I guess I can't complain to much, it just means I will be over on hours.
So I have been playing WOW but I am not hooked like people tell me I would be, I mean it's fun but I get bored to easily.
Hey I also got a laser mouse yesterday, I'm not sure why just yet, but it is kinda cool and I didn't have to pay to much for it.
Alright I am going finish coughing up this lung of mine.
So I ended up working 13 hours last night, let me tell you it sucked, but I have four days off in a role coming up so I guess I can't complain to much, it just means I will be over on hours.
So I have been playing WOW but I am not hooked like people tell me I would be, I mean it's fun but I get bored to easily.
Hey I also got a laser mouse yesterday, I'm not sure why just yet, but it is kinda cool and I didn't have to pay to much for it.
Alright I am going finish coughing up this lung of mine.
World of Warcraft is a lot of fun, especially if you have a fun group. What is the PVP server your playing on with the horde? Oh ... what level are you now because on you are in the mid to upper 30's hit up Stranglethorn Vale because it's always hell on our server! I hit 42 with my mage and have been running around killing horde like mad! haha Dirty horde.

Make a char on Thunderlord PVP, my char name is Hargon and I am usually on from 11pm - 2am.