Well my internet is still down so I am still on slow ass dial up. God I hate it.
Well I've been doing alot of thinking lately about leaving this town and going away for awhile. It seems that everyday I begin to hate this city and the people in it more and and more. I mean there are some good reason to stay but, right now the bad out weighs the good. So I guess I'll have to see how things goes.
But enough of some down news, I heard something that kinda made me feel a little bit happy today. I went to Sonic's today and there is this girl up there that I talk too, well I hadn't been there for alittle while cause I didn't have the money to go everyday. Anyways she came out and gave me my food, and we began talking. She said that she hadn't seen me in awhile and told me to come up there more often and talk with her. She likes alot of the same bands as me and she says she loves my hair. Well let's just say that it put me in a good mood to hear her say that, and it looks like I will be eating Sonic's more and more.
Finally I just got done watching Futurama and it was the one where they got super powers and it made think if I had powers what would they be? Well of course it would have to be the power of fire, just so when I farted I could make giant fireballs out of my ass. Well I'll talked to you all later, also if you all have any ideals on what power you want let me know cause I curious about it.
Well I've been doing alot of thinking lately about leaving this town and going away for awhile. It seems that everyday I begin to hate this city and the people in it more and and more. I mean there are some good reason to stay but, right now the bad out weighs the good. So I guess I'll have to see how things goes.
But enough of some down news, I heard something that kinda made me feel a little bit happy today. I went to Sonic's today and there is this girl up there that I talk too, well I hadn't been there for alittle while cause I didn't have the money to go everyday. Anyways she came out and gave me my food, and we began talking. She said that she hadn't seen me in awhile and told me to come up there more often and talk with her. She likes alot of the same bands as me and she says she loves my hair. Well let's just say that it put me in a good mood to hear her say that, and it looks like I will be eating Sonic's more and more.
Finally I just got done watching Futurama and it was the one where they got super powers and it made think if I had powers what would they be? Well of course it would have to be the power of fire, just so when I farted I could make giant fireballs out of my ass. Well I'll talked to you all later, also if you all have any ideals on what power you want let me know cause I curious about it.
I know if I were a superhero, I would be one with lightning speed... I would take a lot of those "diet/energy" pills, and it would give those powers to me.... then on to world domination..

Man I think I love you.....Sonic is the best...