Alright I decided to update cause I go out of town Friday for Chicago for my Anime Convention, yeah I know loser. I plan taking pictures and I'll post them when I get back, imagine a bunch of good looking girls dressed up as anime characters.(Begins drooling.)
So I had to do inventory tonight for work, and I must say it about drove me nuts. My head hurts from all the counting, I am not suppose to do math. It was kinda funny though cause I had a lady come up to the door when we closed and ask if I could let her in to play with the kittens. "Alright, let me do that for you, and if you don't mind how about I follow you on the way out cause I'll be fired." God people are dumb, I want to strap them on a rocket and blast them to the inner part of the sun. Burn.
So I decided to start working on my script again, I decided I need to get off my lazy ass and get working on doing my dream. I hope to be finish with sometime in the next month and start shooting it, but I may have made a mistake in telling Maddy she could play God. I mean she does not need that kind of power. I wish I could make mine and Vashu chicken movie, I think it would be one of the best adaptions of a Shakespear play ever.
Well I guess I talk to you all later and I'll post pics of the convention if you all want to see them.
So I had to do inventory tonight for work, and I must say it about drove me nuts. My head hurts from all the counting, I am not suppose to do math. It was kinda funny though cause I had a lady come up to the door when we closed and ask if I could let her in to play with the kittens. "Alright, let me do that for you, and if you don't mind how about I follow you on the way out cause I'll be fired." God people are dumb, I want to strap them on a rocket and blast them to the inner part of the sun. Burn.
So I decided to start working on my script again, I decided I need to get off my lazy ass and get working on doing my dream. I hope to be finish with sometime in the next month and start shooting it, but I may have made a mistake in telling Maddy she could play God. I mean she does not need that kind of power. I wish I could make mine and Vashu chicken movie, I think it would be one of the best adaptions of a Shakespear play ever.
Well I guess I talk to you all later and I'll post pics of the convention if you all want to see them.

Have fun on the trip... I love con's... I wish I had the money to go to anime conventions. Sad Melly.

Nothing wrong with loving anime.....hey write me into your script...Im the crazy short meximelt who always causes trouble....