Today I seem to fell a little bit weird and a little bit down of a late. I know that I souldn't because I am leaving soon to go to my convention in Chicago, but I am quite pissed at my friend who I am going with cause he promise to have something done for me so I could finish it in time for the convention, but here it is with the convention right around the corner and he hasn't dont shit, I want to beat his freakin face in. Oh well if I don't get it by tomorrow I think he will feel the pain of my fist against his face. So much anger.
Now on to another subject that has been bugging me lately, and that is being totally alone. I mean I am use to it, I spend most of my tme stuck in a dark room thinking, which I am told is bad, but I can't help. I haven't slept, and I am out of my meds but haven't said a thing to get them refilled, hmm maybe should say something? I know that people who will read this will say don't worry and I appreicate the advice, but it's just another turn on this road we call life, and soon I will be back on the path I want to be on. Oh Pyrate don't feel bad man, soon you be back on track and happy again.
Now on to another subject that has been bugging me lately, and that is being totally alone. I mean I am use to it, I spend most of my tme stuck in a dark room thinking, which I am told is bad, but I can't help. I haven't slept, and I am out of my meds but haven't said a thing to get them refilled, hmm maybe should say something? I know that people who will read this will say don't worry and I appreicate the advice, but it's just another turn on this road we call life, and soon I will be back on the path I want to be on. Oh Pyrate don't feel bad man, soon you be back on track and happy again.

you need to get our more. i command it.
too much time spent in one's head can lead to problems