Alright I decided to explain the hell that was work today. I normally wouldn't complain but some events began to piss me of and I think this will be a good way to get it off my chest.
I got up to go to work today and on the drive there they had the road where I worked completely blocked off for some marathon. Well I went up to the cop and asked if I could drive though showing her that I did in fact worked at the pet store up the street by flashing the logo on my shirt. She said she couldn't let me through at this point but if I went around this one way to another road block up the road closer to my work they would let me through, I thanked her because she was nice and it was friendly of her to tell me this, she even wished me a nice day at work. So I took her advice and went up the road and came to the road block by my work, and once again I flashed the logo on my shirt being very polite and stuff asking if I could go though, but only to be shot down from on of the hairest female cops ever to walk the face of the earth, I mean she looked like Chewbacca. I told her that if i didn't get there by 12:00 I would be fired, I mean it was not like I was going far, I could see my damn work from where I sitting for christ sakes, but no Chewie wouldn't let me pass, say what if were to hit a runner, this led me to look up and down the street only to see nothing but complete emptiness. Granted if I did get though I may have plowed a few runners just to see their expressions as they fly over my car, but I swear I would check to see if they were alright after hit them. Anyways, Chewie told me to park maybe 2 blocks away from my work and walk there, well I new if I stayed and got piss, Bruno in cell block C would have a new bed fellow, so I obeyed Chewie and did what I was told, but not with out first making the Chewie call as I drove away. So I fianlly got to work only to see for that some strange reason we had customers, now I questioned how they got there only to find out that cops let them through, anger begins to rise.
Well as the day went on they removed the road block so I was able to move my car up to work. At work today they the Derby Hat Contest for dogs, and I must say after seeing this I almost shed a tear for thses animals how belong to some of the most dumbest humans in the world. I mean seriuosly who the hell would dress the dog in stupid rose hats inorder towin a damn $20 gift certificate to the store? I mean the dogs must have been thinking to themselves that my ancestors once hunted you dumb monkeys now you make me where flashing lights and pom poms for your amusemnt, how far we have dropped. Well we were completely shorthanded when the contest started because either people were out of town or they called in because of marathon, but our store manger said that she would be there at 1:30 to help us with the event, well we became really busy and only having three people to run an event, ring people out, and help others with questions is not an easy task, but our manager would be here soon. Well and hour and a half had passed and we three had ran ourselves rampet, and no manager. Well 2:45 comes around and we had finsh the event and finally had taken care of the rush when who sould come but our beloved leader. She looks around, sees that we are shorthanded and running everywhere says good job then leaves. She leaves, what kind of manager leaves? She didn't help just left us, I wish I did get hit by gamma rays, cause i swear it would have been Incredible Hulk at this point. MONKEYTAIL SMASH!!!!!!!!!!
Well sorry about that but damn that pissed me off, I guess I am going to have to start pissing in her coffee now. Until I can control fire and burn the world I guess I will continue to be a slave to this society.
I got up to go to work today and on the drive there they had the road where I worked completely blocked off for some marathon. Well I went up to the cop and asked if I could drive though showing her that I did in fact worked at the pet store up the street by flashing the logo on my shirt. She said she couldn't let me through at this point but if I went around this one way to another road block up the road closer to my work they would let me through, I thanked her because she was nice and it was friendly of her to tell me this, she even wished me a nice day at work. So I took her advice and went up the road and came to the road block by my work, and once again I flashed the logo on my shirt being very polite and stuff asking if I could go though, but only to be shot down from on of the hairest female cops ever to walk the face of the earth, I mean she looked like Chewbacca. I told her that if i didn't get there by 12:00 I would be fired, I mean it was not like I was going far, I could see my damn work from where I sitting for christ sakes, but no Chewie wouldn't let me pass, say what if were to hit a runner, this led me to look up and down the street only to see nothing but complete emptiness. Granted if I did get though I may have plowed a few runners just to see their expressions as they fly over my car, but I swear I would check to see if they were alright after hit them. Anyways, Chewie told me to park maybe 2 blocks away from my work and walk there, well I new if I stayed and got piss, Bruno in cell block C would have a new bed fellow, so I obeyed Chewie and did what I was told, but not with out first making the Chewie call as I drove away. So I fianlly got to work only to see for that some strange reason we had customers, now I questioned how they got there only to find out that cops let them through, anger begins to rise.
Well as the day went on they removed the road block so I was able to move my car up to work. At work today they the Derby Hat Contest for dogs, and I must say after seeing this I almost shed a tear for thses animals how belong to some of the most dumbest humans in the world. I mean seriuosly who the hell would dress the dog in stupid rose hats inorder towin a damn $20 gift certificate to the store? I mean the dogs must have been thinking to themselves that my ancestors once hunted you dumb monkeys now you make me where flashing lights and pom poms for your amusemnt, how far we have dropped. Well we were completely shorthanded when the contest started because either people were out of town or they called in because of marathon, but our store manger said that she would be there at 1:30 to help us with the event, well we became really busy and only having three people to run an event, ring people out, and help others with questions is not an easy task, but our manager would be here soon. Well and hour and a half had passed and we three had ran ourselves rampet, and no manager. Well 2:45 comes around and we had finsh the event and finally had taken care of the rush when who sould come but our beloved leader. She looks around, sees that we are shorthanded and running everywhere says good job then leaves. She leaves, what kind of manager leaves? She didn't help just left us, I wish I did get hit by gamma rays, cause i swear it would have been Incredible Hulk at this point. MONKEYTAIL SMASH!!!!!!!!!!

Well sorry about that but damn that pissed me off, I guess I am going to have to start pissing in her coffee now. Until I can control fire and burn the world I guess I will continue to be a slave to this society.
shit i'm sorry. who else called in? last year there was only one person that showed up for the contest, so i didn't think you guys would be that bad off. it reminds me tho of when i tried to get to work with that damn marathon. i got so angry because there was no where near to park and no one would let me through. the cop lady was a bitch to me and i seriously almost hit her. i stopped within an inch of her leg and went home and had a mental breakdown. and that kinda sucks that the manager did that.
Dude runners are unpredictable, you never know what they are going to do. You should thank chewie for protecting you.