Want a band name? Rent one below, satisfaction guaranteed or your money burned in front of your eyes you ungrateful shit!
current names available:
The Quim Troublers
Adventures In Cat Faeces
Squalid Beast Wagon
Yogurt Farm Massacre
Night Squirm
The Brakial Squat Collective
Twat Testers
The Knight is Jung
Howl As I Moon
Gobblers Knob
Torn Apart by Tiny Dogs
The Withered Dicks
Lobster Sabbatical
Wrench Party
Peanut Shock
Electric Pleasure
Fight Bastards
Claw Hummer
Lick Lick Lick
5 x Evil
Worm Hunter
Shrivelled Wizard
The Banned Band
Golly It’s Nigel!
The Powerful Mikes
Head Wound
High School Mixup
The Torn Anuses
Clunge Plungers
The Glue Gun Incident
Nitrous Riot
Clam Spew
Nocturnal Influence
Suspicious Fluid
message for other options, price plans available on request.