well im back in seattle, and im now in the process of moving from one apt to another. the new place rules. its amazing how much of an impact your living situation makes on your whole outlook on life. im still as dumb ass poor as ive ever been but some how it doesnt seem as depressing cuz i know that at least my apt and new roommate dont suck!
its time to hunker down and shake some money trees. i got a phone call from the lusty on the last day of the tour saying i was fired, no reason really, im just guessing im not around enough for them. bartending is really competitive in this city, but hopefully ive got my claws dug in deep enough that i should be able to convince someone to rehire me.
its time to hunker down and shake some money trees. i got a phone call from the lusty on the last day of the tour saying i was fired, no reason really, im just guessing im not around enough for them. bartending is really competitive in this city, but hopefully ive got my claws dug in deep enough that i should be able to convince someone to rehire me.

Yes, exactly how long will you be in Seattle?
Well, I may be having a gathering after I return from Cali. I'm hoping you'll join me to celebrate. I miss my widdle Monkeypox.