Oi, i've bloody well been sick now for a damn month.. i have an upper respiratory infection, saw a doc about a week back and she gave me antibiotics and robotussin with codine. My voice is slowly working it's way back to normal, well normal for me.. hell i've been having such violent coughing fits i actually bruised a rib.. needless to say i've missed a fair share of work, and been sleeping like a bloody bear in hibernation. Rumors of my death.. etc etc etc.
There are a few people who probably wouldn't mind seeing me dead, and not without viable reasons. There has been certain drama in my life recently that to my shame, i've been too sick and exhausted to handle in a mature manner. I am apologetic about my poor handling of the situation, but i'll make no excuses and not drag the drama up here for all to see, i'll leave it at.. i'm sorry and i handled myself poorly.
It amazes me, just how much one can miss in a month, how much the world can change.. honestly this has been a month i'm glad to see end, and hope to not revisit.. and i damn well bloody hope this isn't the shaping for my year to follow, again i say oi.. oi!!
There are a few people who probably wouldn't mind seeing me dead, and not without viable reasons. There has been certain drama in my life recently that to my shame, i've been too sick and exhausted to handle in a mature manner. I am apologetic about my poor handling of the situation, but i'll make no excuses and not drag the drama up here for all to see, i'll leave it at.. i'm sorry and i handled myself poorly.
It amazes me, just how much one can miss in a month, how much the world can change.. honestly this has been a month i'm glad to see end, and hope to not revisit.. and i damn well bloody hope this isn't the shaping for my year to follow, again i say oi.. oi!!

I am so putting in to be a flower girl hehe