I had an interesting day today at work today. I had to go up to the hill, the hill is a place called Sunset Point (the resort that I work for rents it out for dinner and it is dark so we have to light the whole damn thing generators and shit like that) wile in the possess of lighting the damn place we had to move a light. Well I am not going to drive 5 miles just to get a latter. So I diced to climbing the pole its only like 20 feet. So I climb my ass up there and start adjusting the lights. I hear a loud buzz and a flash of light them my arm starts to burn (lucky muscles constrict when interdicted to electricity). Turns out that the cord for the light got cut and my arm completed the cricket. This are not your normal 50 or 60 watt light bulbs, this was a 1000 watt scup light that runs off a 240 volts not your 120 volts in your house. Now I have a burn on the back of my arm about the size of a silver dollar. I am lucky to be alive after that shit.
PS let me know what you think about this idea, I have quite-a-few scars (mainly do to being a dumb ass) should I make them look more interesting by tattooing over them. Let me know what you think or if you know any one that has done this tell me know how well it works.
PS let me know what you think about this idea, I have quite-a-few scars (mainly do to being a dumb ass) should I make them look more interesting by tattooing over them. Let me know what you think or if you know any one that has done this tell me know how well it works.
happy birthday!
happy b-day