I dont know why it is but when I meet a woman I am placed in the brother category, and for some reason I always hear this from "if I could meat a guy like you I could be happy for ever, but I dont want you, just some one like you" and when they meets someone they will say this he is perfect he is just like you, he could be the one. Hello! I am me and no one else cam be me or is remotely close to me. I just dont get it, if any one can explain the reason why women think like this please let me know (preferably women they know things that men dont know.) I dont know if is because people think that I am ugly or if it is something bigger (please let it be bigger) I guess what they say is true about nice guys finishing last.
But on a happy note one of my friends is coming to see me from California. When you work at a resort you get to meet some interesting people (most are puppies but every once in a wile you meet some good people). But that is still up in the air so I better not get my hopes up (when I get my hopes up things always fall through).
Well thx for caring to read about my life,
But on a happy note one of my friends is coming to see me from California. When you work at a resort you get to meet some interesting people (most are puppies but every once in a wile you meet some good people). But that is still up in the air so I better not get my hopes up (when I get my hopes up things always fall through).
Well thx for caring to read about my life,