Well, it's been a while (again) and I've NO idea who reads this anyway. If anyone. Let me know if you do!
So much stuff has happened since the last post, socially, musically, workic..ally (?) and so on. Managed to fit in various gigs, such as Albert Hammond Jr which was AWESOME. The highlight was the stage invasion by all the students at UCL, then...
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So much stuff has happened since the last post, socially, musically, workic..ally (?) and so on. Managed to fit in various gigs, such as Albert Hammond Jr which was AWESOME. The highlight was the stage invasion by all the students at UCL, then...
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you've been to some rather awesome gigs. am very jealous x
Aside from staring at pretty ladies from around the world, I've also been tasking myself with performing complex social tasks like "going out to festivals for free" of late. Sunday here in London meant the 1234 Festival in Shoreditch, baking sun (yes, actual sun) and reams of lobster-like Englishmen and trendies running around the Hoxton area looking like complete planks. Possibly the trendiest free festival...
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Art. Well, it's hard to be an artist when you're a cartoonist. In a bout of trying to get my work out there, I'm thinking of abusing my blog to put some drawings/finished toons on to see if any SG monkeys like it... hmmm...
Well, I succumbed as well, I guess. I love my Myspace, it feels like some kind of home on the internet - a punky mishmash of words, music and images thrown together on a slapdash page so basic that a lot of people gloss over what it's about. Facebook, hey, it's handy, but so sterile... well, aside from all the stalking.
Hey, don't pull a...
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Hey, don't pull a...
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Played football against guys half my age for the first time in years today.
One word.
One word.
Haha, no pain, no gain. They'll have you back in shape in no time.
Oh yay!!
I was hoping my sarcasm in my post I made in the thread wasn't lost on you. Anyone who actually thinks that of themselevs needs to be smacked.
But anyway, I'm so excited!! Thank you so much in advance! I LOVE your Vincent Price painting so this is going to be amazing.
I was hoping my sarcasm in my post I made in the thread wasn't lost on you. Anyone who actually thinks that of themselevs needs to be smacked.
But anyway, I'm so excited!! Thank you so much in advance! I LOVE your Vincent Price painting so this is going to be amazing.
Woohoo! Got my first SG girl comment the other day from the lovely Genet. Feeling pretty good about that! It's teh awesome! Anyhow, been a while since I last posted on this blog, so thought I'd update on a musical musing on the new NiN album. It's fucking aces.
That is all. Gotta love the fourth track, can't remember the name, but it's horny and...
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That is all. Gotta love the fourth track, can't remember the name, but it's horny and...
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Next up, Arcade Fire and Air.
Wow to both.
Arcade Fire are now the best live band I've ever seen... Literally lighting up the stage with incredible production design, they're energetic, catchy, incredible musicians and the violinists are pretty cute. The rather mixed crowd seemed a bit controlled to start with, but after some egging on they really got into it... the highlight being Wake...
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Wow to both.
Arcade Fire are now the best live band I've ever seen... Literally lighting up the stage with incredible production design, they're energetic, catchy, incredible musicians and the violinists are pretty cute. The rather mixed crowd seemed a bit controlled to start with, but after some egging on they really got into it... the highlight being Wake...
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Oh god I want to see Arcade Fire this year. They're on my wishlist for the year.
OK, well, I got some time on my hands so I'm gonna actually start abusing my account for other things other than personal abuse, and why the crap not?
Let's start off with Nine Inch Nails, last night, Brixton Academy. Seems pretty apt for a blog post at SG... and what a night. Tail end of a two-day hangover, sleep deprevation, suffering a personal crisis...
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Let's start off with Nine Inch Nails, last night, Brixton Academy. Seems pretty apt for a blog post at SG... and what a night. Tail end of a two-day hangover, sleep deprevation, suffering a personal crisis...
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Ack. I hate introductions. So I'll cut to the chase. I'm opinionated, always polite, a good friend and opinionated. And crap at introductions... evidently...
Pop over to them^^^
Ok. I'm done now.

Ok. I'm done now.

haha, so i read your post and i think you did get the gist of it =) sure niec of ya to come by and say hey, tho =D